a joke
3 soldiers were going to be guillotined, The executioner asked the first soldier if he wanted to lie face up or face down. The soldier said, "Face up, so I can meet my fate like a man." The executioner and his crew positioned the soldier and the executioner released the blade. But nothing happened. The executoner said, "It is an act of God. You are free." The next soldier was brought forward. The executioner asked him if he wanted to lie face up or face down. The soldier said, "Face up, to face my death like a man." The crew got the soldier positioned, and the exectutioner released the blade. Again, nothing happened. The executioner said, "It is an act of God. You are free." The third soldier was brought forward. The exectutioner asked if he was to lie face up or face down. The soldier said, "I want to be face up, to meet my death like a man." The crew positioned him, and the executioner released the blade. Nothing happened. The soldier laying under the blade said, "I think that bolt up there might be the problem."