All of Them are Evil
Who decided this?
Who declared that this was good?
To overpopulate and dominate
This fragile planet?
What were their reasons
For breeding us like rabbits
To work their fields and factories?
To buy all their useless goods?
I’ll never understand
Why we can never have a balance
That makes sense, to be born and die
A constant flow of life
So the life we want can be the life we get
With everyone fed and sheltered
To have all that we need
Avoiding all excess.
But I know deep in my heart
That deciders do not care
About the pressure we’re all under
That’s for sure
All of them are evil
As they plot our future lives
Deciding the paths we’ll take
With the knives stuck in our backs
Pushing us ahead
Forcing us to labor
While they sit and laugh
At our lack of fighting back
Yes, all of them are evil
Rotten at the core
Sadistic self-reliance
Pompous expectations
But evil has a way
Of seeking out the powerful
Burning through those close to them
In fires of glorious revenge.
They filled the Petri Dish
Now they’re pressed against the walls
Crushed by our Humanity
Until there’s nothing left of them at all.