How can we resist the Evil
Lurking all around us
Day by day, the wound festers
No one applies salve
No one wraps the bandage
Around the bloody gash
Is it enough to sit in silence
In rigid disobedience
To every foolish whim?
Or is that the very thing
They want from us
While they rip the country down?
Would protests in the street
Make a difference when they’re blind?
Ignoring our voices and our chants
Ears deaf to all we cry
Evil is all around us
That we cannot deny
But don’t forget there is still hope
When Good is standing by
Evil can be smothered, drowned out
Defeated, but we must try
To ignore it lets it conquer
To let it stand is to submit
To let it grow is to be complicit
We must beat it back, but why?
If we hide within the shadows
The monsters will smell us out
Devour our hearts and families
And destroy our fragile world
So fight back with the power
Of exposing Light
Break out the tools of self-defense
And do not give in to Evil
To its poison, be immune
Keep courage, do not waiver
Keep your eyes held high.
Sorry about this one...I just threw it together in about five minutes after reading the post about defeatism.