Hidden away in the back of the brain
Cold memories buried away
Stashed in the cellars beneath warped old floorboards
In musty old boxes piled high
Never to be seen again, never to be heard
No one on the outside can see in
Embarrassing moments, inflammatory deeds
Actions illegal, full of past sins
Thoughts to be harnessed, chained in the cage
Never to be revealed to the world
We have our secrets
We have our hidden worlds
No one may know the truth
We can’t hide forever
In the darkened rooms
Who we are in reality
Too many things over the years
That I wish had never happened
Too many things I wish I’d avoided
Too many fears preventing me from the right
Should I reveal and confess just a few?
Should I empty my soul?
Should I keep them hidden in the hopes they will pass?
Should I tell all and be done?
If you have a secret, maybe we can trade
Protect each other’s actions
Cover our hidden thoughts
And never reveal to the crazy old world
That would end us for misdeeds
In the blink of an eye
When the rest of the world is full of secrets
That it chooses to keep hidden away
Hypocrites all…
All of us have secrets.