The Chaos of Uneven
When the world spins and wobbles down
And life lies on an elastic band
It’s hard to see the planet dying
By the wrath of mankind’s brutal hand
When all is owned by self-claimed kings
Who act like gods on their piles of wealth
Dominating men like pawns
Forcing them to bear the brunt of their desires.
When all the rest are exhausted slaves
Torn apart and ground down in pain
With nothing in their possession
Owing everything until they die
How can this world bear this injustice?
Why can’t these wealthy fiends share just a bit?
When billionaires can rule countries
We are on the road to doom
Someday, they’ll bring back the guillotines
If the chaos of uneven doesn’t change
Blood will flow even from the innocent
The battle will be fought to the death
Will anyone stop this before it goes too far?
Are governments unwilling to make a change?
Or is money a greater power than justice?
Is cash a stronger pull than humanity?
Without ability to survive
The poor will only seek to hide
In mind-numbing states of euphoria
Until they take their very lives
Thanks to the chaos of uneven.