I am a stranger here
I escaped from violence
From crime in my homeland
That treats me as refuse
Without care
Without dignity
I was lost in the shadows
Just a nothing to be ignored
So I tried to come here
To this land of great plenty
Once welcoming
Now full of barriers
Walls, barbed wire fences
With gates welded shut
Armed guards
Waiting to destroy me
I know many who have made it
Through the maze of waiting
Going through the process
Confusing intentionally
But they made it
And now, their lives are being ripped apart
For no reason
But the land of their birth
We will all have to hide someday
Both inside and outside the border
We will be hunted down like animals
Chained to the machines
Tied together in the fields
Or forced to do the undignified
Obediently for the masters
We will have our lives stolen
Our plight will be ignored
By those who are unaffected
Until the day when they become
The Stranger
Just like us
When they don’t fit in
When they don’t pass the Agenda
The Project of the Overlords
We will all be immigrants in their eyes
Hold fast…together.