The Voice in the Mirror
Truthseeker, heartspeaker, please come and take my hand.
Now take just one deep, slow breath.
Now another. And one more.
I know you mean well, I know how earnest your desire.
You don't need to try so hard.
Relax, rest, let it flow.
Trust me.
Trust your Self.
What you seek is right here.
Trust me.
Listen to the heart whose voice you long to speak.
What is it saying?
Can you breathe deeply and slowly enough to hear it?
Of course you can.
It's all right here.
Where is the truth you seek?
Yes, it's partly in your heart,
Bathed in the bright sunshine of your own nature.
But it's also hidden at the bottom of your Shame Locker.
It's way down there amongst the rot and grime.
Under mouldy layers of childhood crimes,
Bound tight by the roots of pride, prejudice and self-punishment.
You do know it's what makes you truly human, right?
Yes, you know it - you simply don't trust enough yet to believe it.
The truth you seek is in your whirling dance with Shame,
Lit from within by heartlight,
Made visible by compassion,
Made acceptable by surrender.
The whirling dance will stop. Trust me.
The first time you trust enough
To open the lid and let another look deep inside,
You will be redeemed.
Until then, rest.
It's been a long and busy day.