True Crime
Related: About this forumUPDATE "Haas v Romney" Racketeering: 9th Cir Appeal Show Cause Response
On October 18, 2013, yours truly sued Willard Mitt Romney, Bain Capital, Goldman Sachs and a plethora of cohorts for civil racketeering. Various versions of the Complaint were updated; and (of course) Defendants made Motions to dismiss (under FRCP 12(b)(6)). The District Court in Los Angles, ruled that the case is frivolous as an excuse to block my poor man status (where I'm homeless).
Subsequently, the 9th Circuit ruled that it concurred with the District Court - of the appeal being frivolous; because the parties are immune from prosecution due to the bankruptcy Barton doctrine (a U.S. Supreme Court case from 1881 of Barton v Barbor). The 9th Circuit said that I could pay the filing fee of $505 and file a simultaneous "Show Cause" Response as to why the the case isn't frivolous.
It's NOT frivolous; because I'm blessed with confessions to intentional Frauds on the Court!
Thus, the question remains (as the picture above from queries) - is Willard Mitt Romney a criminal; and can an indigent, armed with all the evidence anyone would ever ask for (including confessions) - ever have a chance to bring such a oligarch Robber Baron to justice.
The District Court dismissed the First Amended Complaint (FAC) with prejudice (meaning I'm not permitted to file any amendments). But to the contrary of that posturing (of protecting Mitt from prosecution) the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) filing of a 12(b)(6) Motion by the Defendants (especially one full of lies/frauds); automatically grants a petitioner the right to amend.
Hence - I've supplied my 3rd Amended Complaint (3AC) - (here)
The District Court argues that I've failed to state any colorful claims whatsoever; and that I could never improve on the drafting of my complaints. Anyone who looks at what I filed years ago and the filings now, would most certainly see that even a pro se poor guy can read, grow, learn and do better.
9th Circuit Order Laser Haas pay $505 and Supply a "Show Cause" Response
Per the 9th Circuit's Order of August 21, 2001 (here), I had to pay the $505 filing fee by September 11, 2014 and file proof of payment with a Response, immediately thereafter.
Believe it or not, 5 different Republicans gifted me the $505 to pay the fee!
Here's my response that I argue, as before, the Defendants are perpetrating frauds on the court; and still continuous in covering up other criminal conspiracies (such as eToys being sold to Bain/Kay Bee for discounted prices; because the attorneys for eToys were secretly working for Bain Cap/Kay Bee).
This is my Show Cause Response
It names Attachment A - the 3rd Amended Complaint
Attachment B - TBF Stage Stores Supplement (a 7 page proof Paul Traub lies a lot)
Attachment C - US Trustee Motion to Disgorge Traub's TBF for $1.6 million
(and proof that Traub was forewarned NOT to do the crimes he did - which was deliberate fraud on the court)
Attachment D - eToys counsel (MNAT) Destroying evidence (Books & Records) to help MNAT's client Goldman Sachs
Attachment E - Creditors Committee Chairman Affidavit testifying his own attorney (Traub) deceived him
Attachment F - Time Stamp proof I told the DOJ Public Corruption Task Force about federal corruption
(and then they Shut it down SEE "Shake-up roils federal prosecutors" L.A. Times March 2008)
Attachment G - Transcript PROOF that the eToys bankruptcy court said we could see the bad guys
Attachment H - eToys attorney (MNAT) who was also my court approved filer - Forgery saying I waived $3.7 million
(if anyone reads the item - it is a pee poor forgery - because it states ITEMS 10 & 11 - that I can get paid)
Attachment i - Both of my court approved contracts that contain indemnification clauses against willful misconduct in eToys
For anyone, especially sophisticated justices (who are supposed to give pro se parties some latitude) - to say that there's NO case whatsoever and that all the items are frivolous; simply isn't true. At the end of the day, they can rubber stamp Mitt Romney, Bain Capital and Goldman Sachs getting away 'Scot Free' with their organized crimes and retaliation against victim/witness;
But they can't call such - Justice!

(7,805 posts)laserhaas
(7,805 posts)They accuse me of being a vexatious litigant; and I'm telling the courts I agree.
Victims of organized crimes/fed corruption - have a right to vex the crooks!
I'm just sayin.........