Happy Towel Day: Six Life Lessons From Marvin The Paranoid Android
Note from icymist: This is one of my favorite characters ever! Whenever I need to write about someone who's depressed, paranoid, snarky, and funny, well, I just re-read Adams and his wonderful creation of Marvin!

Marvin the Paranoid Android, waving (Pic: BBC)
To celebrate the life and work of Douglas Adams, as we must always do on May 25, we should all make an effort to be better, cleverer people, taking the words of one of his finest, noblest characters as direct inspiration: Marvin the Paranoid Android.
So, with that aim in mind, these are the six things you need to get yourself sorted, helping you become satisfied and fully rounded human beings, all backed up with some of Marvins most inspirational quotes. You can go ahead and transfer his eternal wisdom onto gifs for social media, or even have them indelibly inked onto various parts of your body using tattoos:
A Sunny Disposition:
Marvin: My capacity for happiness you could fit into a matchbox without taking out the matches first.
Arthur: I think that door just sighed.
Marvin: Ghastly, isnt it?
Marvin: Sorry, did I say something wrong? Pardon me for breathing which I never do anyway so I dont know why I bother to say it oh God Im so depressed.