Automobile Enthusiasts
Related: About this forumI learned to drive, in a '64 Comet, my how times change
As we age.
My second car was a Plymouth Fury, with a 318 in it. Then, I fell in love, with an engine, my next, 2 cars, I didn't care how the body looked, I just wanted the 318.
Now, I drive a hybrid.
I would pay , way too much,today, for a Fury, with a 318, if, I had that kind of money.
Cars, are as much of our life ( older members) as the memories.
First date, first kiss, among other firsts,
The older members, here, will probably, remember,
The car.

(5,333 posts)My first and most beloved car was a yellow Volkswagen, ‘68? It was perfect. Fun to drive, never got stuck in snow, ice or mud. I have been known to occasionally have a yellow Volkswagen show up in my dreams. The motor was in the back. That’s all I knew or needed to know about it.
We all have memories, even dreams, as we age.
I still dream about, that Fury.
Actually, the dreams, make me smile.
I never drove a beetle, wish I would have. I'm familiar with the set up.
Im a fairly big man, as was, my Father, he always bought bigger cars. It was a different time.
(49,090 posts)I don't know what engine it had. I don't know if any records on it are still around. It had problems. Pre-ignition, which is when the engine won't shut off. The engine pinged. The service manager was always coming to our house with a screwdriver and tinkering. I don't know why. We went up a tourist attraction, a ski slope I think. You could drive to the top. The engine pinged and pinged, and finally it overheated.
I hope you had better experiences!
(3,024 posts)North Dakota, snow and packed covered roads.
I was a senior in HS, was going to pick up g/f for a basketball game.
Someone ran a stop sign, I t- boned him, radiator, was on top of air cleaner, and I was in some ones front yard.
Dad came and picked us up, I played the game, scored my 24 points , and had a headache. Dad took me to ER, took gf home.
Seems I played the game, with a concussion.
I expected Dad to be mad, but he wasn't, he just did , what Dads, do.
I learned a lesson that day.
(3,024 posts)Koz
(685 posts)Next, ‘69 Dodge Dart 318. Fast and dangerous. During the oil embargo of the ‘70’s, bought a sweet little Ford Fiesta. British Kent engine. Currently, several Subaru models.
(3,024 posts)I actually test drove a Fiesta, for a week,
I couldn't get in or out of the car.
(685 posts)Rented a Ford Fiesta in England in 1992 and drove around for a month shifting with my left hand.
Florida Dem
(42 posts)My parents handed me down their 1965 Plymouth Fury station wagon when I was still in high school. I believe mine had the 383 engine. It was an absolute beast! Great beach wagon for here in Pensacola Beach and also came in handy for the drive-in theater. LOL. I also recall schlepping a bunch of guys from my high school baseball team to nearby towns when we didn't have a bus available. Some of the guys teased me for driving a station wagon but they stopped laughing when they saw how fast and powerful the damn thing was. I loved it. And just like you, a lot of firsts and great memories in that car
(3,024 posts)Thanks for the reply, check your DU email, please,
(21,231 posts)Don’t know the year but I graduated in ‘65 so it was older than gas gauge so when ya got low on fuel, a lever for the reserve tank needed to be turned. Stick shift, of course, but a few years later, I bought one for myself! Great on gas n easy to park anywhere.
(3,024 posts)In North Dakota, when I was about, 13 years old. My brother and I were sent, to the farm, el dry summer,
Grandpa taught me clutch,and gas pedal, cuz, I had to drvie the tractor,and rake hay , that was my job at 13,
I learned manual clutches, way back then
Not used to auto clutched now
I just drive a car.
(3,024 posts)In North Dakota, when I was about, 13 years old. My brother and I were sent, to the farm, e dry summer,
Grandpa taught me clutch,and gas pedal, cu, I had to drvie the tractor,and rake hay , that was my job at 13,
I learned manual clutches, way back then
Not used to auto clutched now,
(4,074 posts)Dad had an Austin Healey Sprite.
But enough of first cars, favorite cars, best trips, life styles, and all things US automotive culture.
What of the last car? The one you know will be or now is; the coming day of no longer driving.
The loss of freedom and the American way, some say.
I wasn't at deadline when my last car finally sold, but was sweating it as the expat move was just three months away. I actually got good money on a 14 year-old car that most of car-culture abhors.
$4200 eight years after paying $5500. The car took me from the Atlantic to the Pacific and the other way too; sleeping in my PT Cruiser.
(3,024 posts)Im driving a 2014 Lincoln Mkz hybrid, 90K miles. Battery was dead this morning, ( my seat belt kept the driver door from closing) I honestly, didn't know, how to jump start it,
Seems battery, in trunk, but, you jump start it, under the hood.
Ty google
(16,953 posts)loved that car. Died on my wedding day. Some kind of symbolism there haha....
(3,024 posts)At our wedding reception. We left to change out of tux and gown, and saw a glow.
A Golf clubhouse caught fire.
We sat, on the 76 monte Carlo hood, in our wedding clothes, and watched the fire.
After about 45 mins, cops pulled up, asked us, if we were ok, people at the reception, were worried. Police put us inthe car,
Drove us to hotel, let us change clothes, and drove us back to reception.
Was 1983,
My oh my, how times have changed.
We need, a Carlo,mustang,Comet, Fury, chevelle, even a nova, again.
Cars, fixed,problems,
Back then, all I did , was , fix cars.
(3,024 posts)Nice motor as well
(18,626 posts)It was the family station wagon. In spite of the weight, the 351 Cleveland gave it decent pickup.
It was big enough to carry stuff and, if it rained too much on camping trips, it could sleep two with back seat folded flat. That's what started my preference for wagons.
My first car, that was all mine, was a Chevy Caprice wagon that I bought from my cousin. Ahh...396... MPG = 9...(closer to 6 if there was good music on the radio.)
A friend had a 318 Newport. The best thing about that car was there was room under hood to get in and stand on the ground to do a tune up.
Thanks for this.
Old Crank
(5,332 posts)I learned to drive in a 61 Ford Anglia. The same tye as in a Harry Potter movie that ended up in a tree.
The Comet had a 289 with a 3 speed auto. The Anglia had about a 1.5 liter, 90 cid, engine with a manual 4 speed. Several of my friends got their first experience with drive a manual with that car.
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(32,950 posts)Drove it up and down the alley behind the house.