Related: About this forumThe Houston Astros are cheaters
Lets not lose sight of that as we await baseball. Go White SOX!

Dave in VA
(2,201 posts)Algernon Moncrieff
(5,961 posts)I grant - they used extensive video surveillance to do it, but essentially it's codebreaking. Teams make the signs in the full sight of everyone. If someone, through time and deduction, can figure out what those signs are, I see nothing wrong with those individuals alerting their team to what is coming. Here's a thought - maybe it's time to go away from 19th-century technology (informal sign language) and instead go to encrypted wireless to allow the dugout and coaches to communicate with the players.
Baseball has always looked at some cheating with a nod and a wink - especially greasing or scuffing a ball. Gaylord Perry wasn't vilified - his "cheating" was the stuff of legend. Gambling certainly has been a huge exception to that since your team threw the '12 World Series. Pete Rose won't be getting into the HOF anytime soon. Steroids were cheating - but everyone was doing it to greater or lesser degrees, and it is unclear how much was team-driven vs. player-driven.
world wide wally
(21,836 posts)
(220 posts)Hi,
Let us not lose sight of the fact, that it still takes talent to win. Just because you know a fast ball is coming does not mean you can automatically hit it, or that the runner can get a jump on the pitch & steal 2nd. It still takes talent to win & the Astros still have it whether you like it or not.
Let us not lose sight of the fact the Astros & Boston were not the only ones cheating. If the commissioners office revealed all what was found, almost all of Baseball would be guilty. Yes that means the Dodgers & many other teams.