Ranking The Top 10 Bowl Games From A Fat Person's Perspective
One very underrated calendar quirk this year is the fact that Christmas and New Year's both fall on a Wednesday. Anyone with a regular, Monday to Friday, nine to five job knows what I am talking about.
A Wednesday standalone holiday is basically a reason to say "Ah, eff this...I'm just gonna take the whole week off." We see it during the summer with July 4th sometimes. Now, two weeks back to back with Wednesday holidays? At the end of the year? It's like a vacation fire hose!
With respect to the sports calendar, my co-host (for the next several hours, at least) John Granato and I figured out yesterday that if you started your vacation tonight and just went with the "Ah, eff this" plan, your vacation would overlap the entire bowl season, minus the BCS Title Game on January 6.
How great is that? (Answer: Very, very great.)
So here comes bowl season, 35 games worth of gambling, which equates to about 140 hours of eating, drinking, burping, farting, and general sloth. And that all translates into about 176,164 grams of fat. For lazy, middle aged men with a dollop of disposable income and three weeks of disposable time, this is our your Olympics.
See if your favorite bowl game is on the list at http://blogs.houstonpress.com/hairballs/2013/12/ranking_the_top_10_bowl_games.php .