Related: About this forumSo, what everybody playing these days?
I'm split between co-op game of Borderlands 2 for PS, Little Big Planet Vita, and Avernum 4 for on Steam. I'm going through chemo right now, so I don't have much else to do but play video games.
Hoping to pick up the new X-Com some day soon, when I have the money. Persona 4 Golden for Vita also catching my eye. I think the Vita is a fantastic little system.

(22,762 posts)Eve Online (PC) and Assassin's Creed 3 (Xbox).
(10,039 posts)I only lack one more, and I then have all 8 of them.
But I'm now playing the game of, "unload the dishwasher." Then maybe I'll play, "vacuum the home."
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)The next DLC is out tomorrow. I hope they raise the level cap and also bring out the ability to reset challenges (PC has it already). I also want to get the new X-com, I have a few friends who have it and they love it. I want to fire up D3 again and see if the new patches have made it any better... oh, also still doing my regular Alpha Centuari/Alien Crossfire games
(8,040 posts)techs. I love playing as the University and researching...last time I played though, I got trapped betweeen the fundies and the bad aliens and got massacred.
I love the old x-com, so I'm excited to play it. And playing BL2 is just the tits. So many good games out......and more coming down the pipe. Have you played Dishonored yet? Wanna play that one and then wait for Bioshock Infinite.
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)I'll poke about for a PC or PS3 demo and give it a try. If you have not tried it, check out Rise of Nations/Thrones and Patriots from Big Huge Games... Before they were bought out by 38 Studios... It is a RTS with the depth of TBS. Designed by Brian Reynolds, the same guy that designed SMaC/X. Played on slow speed with max cost/time for discoveries and a Big Huge map size, it plays as epic as any of the Civ games (and follows the same time span).
(4,261 posts)is available at for about $6 gonna try it tonight. Should be interesting.
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)Also grab the expansion pack, Alien Crossfire. It adds 8 new factions plus a lot more, it's well worth it.
Still playing The Secret World here, though playtime is limited.
(121 posts)Having discovered the wonderful world of mods in PC gaming, Dragon Age is even more fun than it was previously.
(2,431 posts)After the disastrous DA2 and EA getting to watch Skyrim kick ass, there is a great deal of thought/work going into DA3. Looking forward to it.
(121 posts)So many possibilities with that story line...
(6,257 posts)I've also been playing Star Wars: The Old Republic some.
Fix The Stupid
(980 posts)I might sell my old one and get this new one...
Can't wait for the new Super Mario and new Mario Kart - Woohoo!
(6,257 posts)With that out of the way I really like it. Nintendo is making some of the changes they should have made a long time ago. HD graphics (Mario looks great in HD) and more importantly they are focusing on online gaming more. The Mii-verse Nintendo's free online service is pretty neat. It's fun to just see what other people are saying about the games and talk to them. It's also nice that you can simply download most games if you don't want to buy the physical copy from the store. Sadly, there aren't many games that use online modes yet, but I'm sure we'll see more later on which leads me to my next point. Nintendo seems to be really trying to get 3rd party developers on board and I think that is key. I'm also glad storage space is SD cards and they didn't go the Microsoft route of making you buy an expensive hard drive for you system.
As to the system itself, I really like it. The Gamepad is a really neat thing, it isn't as revolutionary as the Wii's motion controls, but it is really good. It's really fun to be able to play games while someone else watches TV, it's also really neat in ZombieU since your inventory is one that screen and the game doesn't pause when you are looking through your inventory so it adds a lot of tension. I also like how it lets you control your TV from the Gamepad and streaming Netflix to your TV is very easy, a lot simpler than my PS3.
Overall I really like it. However, if you buy it I suggest the Deluxe edition. The basic really isn't worth saving 50$ for since the Deluxe has a lot more storage space (though you can always add SD cards so it isn't a huge deal) and comes with Nintendo Land which looks to be a fun party game.
Fix The Stupid
(980 posts)Can't wait - and yes, seems silly to buy anything but the deluxe edition...
Just getting through Donkey Kong Country on the Wii now.... $*#!ing hard game...
Thanks for the review

(4,261 posts)Starting up from nothing and building from there is my favourite way to play.
(4,686 posts)Fallout New Vegas bored me and I have no interest in Skyrim. I might give Dragon Age a try.
(6,257 posts)Also, if you haven't played it yet I highly recommend checking out the original Knights of the Old Republic. Even if you aren't a Star Wars fan, it's a great RPG.
(2,135 posts)the original. Right now, I'm stocking up to save Dynaheir as a human fighter. Minsc and Boo will forever be the best!
Love that game so much!
(4,261 posts)Hayabusa
(2,135 posts)I won't be as gentle!"
(2,431 posts)That's Boo about to go for your eyes.
(9,465 posts)Honestly, that woman gets so annoying some times I want to leave her out for the Basilisks.
(2,135 posts)Especially in the "No, you don't get to move!" combo with a web-casting Dynaheir.
(9,465 posts)She sure does kvetch a lot.
Branwen. LOL. She is annoying.
(59,305 posts)time into Skyrim again. I'm finally leveled out as far as I can go, which on the PS3 is about level 81 and a half(I'm about half way to level 82). I have all my attribute levels at 100, the hardest to get to 100 was Alteration, but I did find that Ironflesh was the best at making it level up(throwing in transmute from time to time).
I only need two more shouts, and I got them all....
Not sure what else to do now...but after I get the last two shouts I think I'm going to take a break and dive into Lego Batman II
(59,305 posts)sorta... But I downloaded another 5 gigs to get DC Universe Online Legends another shot....after a 14hr download, I put in a few hours this morning, before the servers went down for maintenance. Thinking about starting Prototype tonight...
(59,305 posts)at first I was kinda annoyed by claptrap, but...he is growing on me.
(8,040 posts)It was great fun, and the second one is even better.
(59,305 posts)its not bad so far,
(8,040 posts)If you can find a friend to play with you, it increases the fun factor by about ten. I played with a friend and my bro, and we had an awesome time with it and the expansions (especially the Fort Knox dlc, which is worth it).
(59,305 posts)don't know anyone else to play co-op with.
(11,833 posts)on PS3. Currently level 27 Commando. Love this game!
(154,021 posts)With actual miniatures, tape measures and dice.
The rules are as muddy as can be...but it's fun.
(8,040 posts)nadinbrzezinski
(154,021 posts)And all of that. But the rules are way muddy. YouTube is great though, people have posted videos of how to play.
Warhammer is true 25 mm...this is 1/144. Same scale as flames of war.
(6 posts)I'm an entertainment lover love to play online games, played so many by me but Cut the Rope is my favorite in current days and playing same game these days online at chillgames having huge collection of all entertaining games.
(29,047 posts)I've played a ridiculous amount of Skyrim. I don't even know how many different characters I have made.
(2,135 posts)and trying to DL Arena, too...
(4,876 posts)and I don't have the time to get to everything... Plus my damn kids are hogging all the gaming systems while school is out..
That said I am playing Lego LOTR, possibly the best Lego game so far.. and playing Black Ops II the campaign, Zombies of course and embarrassing myself in multiplayer... Borderlands 2 also...
In the wings is Family Guy, NFS Most Wanted, Assassins Creed III, and Far Cry 3...
(765 posts)I got Assassin's Creed III free with a new computer purchase. Never played the others. It's pretty fun so far.
(20,805 posts)...
(2,135 posts)Elder Scrolls I: Arena
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Call of Duty: World at War
Angry Birds: Star Wars
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold
Aces of the Pacific
And tried to install Betrayal At Krondor on my computer.
(3,220 posts)Vastly underappreciated, and very very fun. I loved the SP and Nazi Zombies gameplay (I don't play MP - think I had like 30 mins total playtime).
(2,135 posts)the window at my back. I should have just fallen back to a wall and lasted for as long as I could there. I know I could have rushed back to grab more ammo between waves.
As for the main storyline, it's great as well, but I still consider COD 2 as the best game in the franchise. Also, the WW2 parts need more Ardennes. I think all we've gotten was a bunker attack in 1.
(121 posts)Enjoying it on the PC for the first time. I am loving the Restored Content Mod.
(4,261 posts)To see if I can get it to work on Win8 also downloading the RCM as we speak.
Oh yeah you can get it on STEAM now for $9.99 I think.
(4,686 posts)That's the only reason I don't play them any more.
(121 posts)The minimap will be messed up. And I think it's different for Steam versions.
(4,686 posts)I've got Baldur's Gate II working on widescreen (and need to redo it due to a new monitor) but I could never get KOTOR/KOTOR2 to work.
(29,047 posts)and X-Com: UFO Defense (an old game, but I want to see what the X-Com games are like.)
(8,040 posts)Something about not being armed creeped me out too much. I'm like a GD gun nut....I need a weapon to keep me from pissing myself out of fear. If I was actually in the game, at the very least I would have broken a chair and used the legs as a weapon.
BTW, have you heard of the new X-Com game? If you get tired of the visuals of the old x com, you could always pick up the new one provided you have a good pc or console. I hear it's pretty faithful to the old games.
(29,047 posts)I am not very far into Amnesia. I just saw the monster, and I thought "oh shit, what do I do now?" I ran away, got lost, and started hallucinating. Funny in retrospect, but I wasn't laughing at the time.
(2,918 posts)Tweaking perks in the Sneak tree to work with other skills, such as backstabbing with a bolt spell without being seen. Will probably link a quest to access these extra perks. Still a work in progress.
(8,040 posts)I put in about 70 hours (which is quite a lot for me, considering I have Gaming ADD), but most people I know are way over 100 hours. I liked it enough, but after I was powerful, I got bored of the game and I had no interest in starting with a new character.
(2,918 posts)Was before the creation kit and didn't deal with mods back then. Between the slight adjustments I'm making on my game, and the ever increasing mods being created, I found a new love for the game. Increased perks, challenging enemies, new quests and the scenery changes with the towns and villages enhanced mods... It's hard not to love a constantly changing world.
(10,893 posts)but occasionally I play Mario Kart 64, Super Mario 64/Sunshine, Street Fighter 4, Diddy Kong Racing DS, Mortal Kombat, and Madden 2013.
(8,040 posts)Jamaal510
(10,893 posts)but no Wii.
(8,040 posts)One of the best series on DS. Puzzle games with a cute story. The games have over a hundred puzzles, and they are all different. Fun as hell.
(10,893 posts)FloridaJudy
(9,465 posts)But I'm getting seriously steamed with Steam - I used to be able to play even when the 'net was down. Not any more...grrrr!
(8,040 posts)Unfortunately, I think you need to be in online mode to shut it off to offline mode.
(24,096 posts)Last edited Thu Jan 24, 2013, 09:04 PM - Edit history (1)
It's an old game and the graphics sure can't compete with some of the slickness out there today, but I find it very enjoyable in a nostalgic way.
Lots of crafting and collecting tons of junk, which I like. Summoning, magic, weaponry, archery - you are not restrained by a class as all are available to you.
edit to add warning: The characters all walk like Romney.
(776 posts)I believe I have clocked over a hundred hours by now. And I'm not done.
I think I've done pretty much everything there is to do in Mojave, except going to Caesar's side of the lake and I have not yet set foot on the Strip. Before hitting the Strip I thought I'd do the DLCs, so I've finished Dead Money and Honest Hearts and just started Old World Blues. I like the premise, but I the enemies are so overpowered that it's getting tedious really quickly.
My character just hit level 50 and is a stealth/sniper build so it's best for me when I remain undetected and I can keep enemies at a distance. But in Old World Blues the enemies seem to have radar, because I am never hidden (and I've got 100 sneak skill), it's always flashing caution. So stealth is out. And the enemies have a ton of hit points, respawn endlessly in the open area, travel in packs and rush me as soon as I fire my first shot, which makes sniping pretty useless. Earlier I needed about seven shots to take out a single Lobotomite, while his buddies and a couple of Nightstalkers were happily ripping me to shreds.
At level 50 I suddenly feel like I'm at level 3 again, where every enemy encounter can kill me. Some people might like that, but they can play on very hard difficulty and hardcore mode. I play on normal, so I'd like my enemies to be manageable; I play the game for the story, not the bodycount. At level 50 I don't even get XP points anymore, so I'd happily avoid fighting. I guess I could have been ok if they hadn't decided to suddenly completely nerf sneaking...
(21 posts)When I'm free, I usually play the GTA games. My favorite has to be GTAIV, with its sublime graphics and endlessly interesting storyline. COD4 is also great.
(8,040 posts)I've actually been enjoying Saint's Row 3 more than I ever enjoyed GTA 4. I don't know....i just felt gta 4 had too many uninteresting, pointless mini games and side missions.
(8,346 posts)It felt like a distraction from the usual sandbox of chaos that previous GTA games had been for me.
(18,807 posts)Yukari Yakumo
(3,013 posts)Posteritatis
(18,807 posts)Orsino
(37,428 posts)After watching the back of my wife's head for six months, I had to give it a try. More than a year later, I'm still enjoying--though less often.
Also playing some AD&D2/PO on a message board, and a GURPS Banestorm campaign on Saturday nights (online via Fantasy Grounds II).
(29,047 posts)I only played about an hour. I will likely write a review after I have put some more time into it.
So far, it is one of the more creative games I have played in a long while.
Yukari Yakumo
(3,013 posts)Skyrim (currently grinding to lvl78 to face off with a legendary dragon. Every quest are done 'cept the radiants and the 24 stones one.)
Showdown Effect Beta (hate the aiming mechanics. still suck at it. mindless fun.)
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (You have no idea how much of a timesink this is. GET IT!)
(8,040 posts)Tell me what you like about it.
(24,096 posts)The closest I have seen to what was Final Fantasy Tactics. What took so long?!
Amazing pixel art in a fully imagined
isometric world. Reminiscent of classic
tactical turn based RPGs.
Finally a browser game with real combat and animations.
Stop staring at spreadsheets and count down timers
and play a real, responsive, strategic Tactical RPG.
(4,138 posts)It's in the GTA/Saints Row genre set in the Hong Kong criminal underworld. The PC is a undercover cop, but with personal connections to the criminals he's investigating, so the story is pretty engaging (if pretty cliched). The recreation of Hong Kong is really lively and beautiful, and it has some really impressive weather effects. Certain places have some really funny side dialog if you hang around the area for awhile.
Best of all, like most of the games in the genre, there is a wide variety of clothes to purchase and unlock, so if you get tired of the story taking itself too seriously, you can always dress up in increasingly silly outfits and play Chinese-American Serpico.
There are also some truly cringe-inducing attack animations - even the hardened gangster mooks that you fight will recoil in fear and disgust if you pull off some of the more brutal moves.