Related: About this forumHas anyone been watching Day Z on stream?
I just ran into this recently, but it's been around for a while. It's a mod ultimately based upon Arma II, eventually to be released as a standalone game, perhaps next year. Server keys for the latest mods are apparently extremely difficult to acquire, so I don't think the average joe can really play it yet.
But it's already attracting an impressive audience on, often landing it on the front page.
Day Z is an open-world zombie apocalypse RPG, with some very interesting twists.
First, it's what we old-timers called hardcore--one life only for your character. The younger folks are calling this type of setup YOLO, for "you only live once."
Second, there is no reliable way to ally with anyone in the game. There is no way to prevent another player from turning on you and killing you at any time and stealing your hard-earned loot. Yet, with cooperation, players can repair vehicles and helicopters and use team tactics to hunt other people and steal their shit--which is where the real action is.
Third, the game is a sim, so your character has to eat, drink, fight off zombie infection, bandage wounds and replace lost blood. The game does not pause while looting or rummaging around in your backpack for painkillers. Audio chatter between you and your friends within the game can be audible to other players. Failing to maintain health, tend to wounds, hydrate and eat, or manage pain results in different and realistic effects, like blurred vision or shaking while trying to aim. Zombies are common and relentless in pursuit, if a little buggy and dumb right now (yes, dumb for a zombie dumb). But nobody cares about the zombies--players merely use their location and movement to identify the location of other players.
The fellow who conceived the mod and met with such unexpected success based much of the game's totally unforgiving difficulty on his own experiences as a soldier who was injured deep in the jungle while training. So the game starts off hard, and then gets harder as the player begins to succumb to injuries, infection, starvation, pain and thirst. Boredom plays a role, too. Just as real combat veterans describe life in wartime, there can be long periods of boredom unexpectedly interrupted by short, vicious combat.
The social aspects of the game have quickly grown... unsettling. Tenuous and paranoid relationships are forged between real-world players, and broken. Streamers are often tracked down and assassinated, then their viewers help track down the assassins when the character respawns as a new character. Vehicles from helicopters to bicycles are laid out as bait for the unwary, and the places where people gravitate in search of loot and game, like an air force base, are death traps. Nobody really trusts anyone, but they still need each other to survive.
As one example, last night I watched a group of four guys, thinking they had killed off everyone else nearby on the server, decide to rile up a huge herd of zombies at the air base facilities in order to kill them and hopefully scare up some gear and medical supplies from their bodies (they were all injured from previous encounters I did not see). Unknown to them or the viewers, two other players had moved in on opposite sides of the airport. Those guys weren't working together, but both were waiting for the zombies to chase the group I was watching to the top of a building, and then snipe them as they took an outside ladder back down.
One of the four died to the zombies. The other three, running low on ammo, began their escape down the ladder. One of the snipers shot at the group, and revealed his position to the other sniper on the far end of the field, who killed the first sniper and confused the hell out of everyone. The group went after the position of the dead sniper while the other escaped, and the zombies tore up a second group member badly enough that it was impossible to save him. So that player bravely spent his last moments trying to attract the attention of the zombies while the other two guys beat a retreat. And then they went hunting for the other sniper, which is when I went to bed. That of course is a reconstruction of what I think happened, and like real combat witnesses, it's certainly wrong in some of the details.
Day Z is the darkest, most ruthless game I have ever seen, and I'm having a ball watching it. But I have already promised myself that I'll never play it--I think it is inevitable that the press is going to zero in on Day Z as a game that provokes real-world violence, and for once they might be right, because people who have invested hours of time in accruing all the materials they need to survive are going to be pissed when someone finally gets 'em.

(63,423 posts)Please forgive me! I've gone and done that very thing I hate, which is talk about a game without providing a single damned link or screenshot. DayZ can be watched via stream virtually any time of day through Twitch TV:
I should probably also add that the ones I've been watching are usually the "Overwatch" variant of the game. There is another offshoot of the DayZ tree called RUST, which a lot of people are playing, but it's more of a crafting/building thing.
(63,423 posts)Posteritatis
(18,807 posts)They're still still! bringing up Doom and Quake now and then. Arma on its own is a very niche franchise even among FPSes, and Day Z's a pretty specific mod for that.
(Also, the Losing Your Stuff frustration in Day Z's nothing compared to what people often plow through in other multiplayer games...)
sofa king
(10,857 posts)LIRIK is a popular, if rather obnoxious, streamer who plays a lot of DayZ. Today, he was playing the Day Zero 1.0 release, which is a particular mod with lots and lots of pissed off zombies. After dying the first time, players re-spawn on a particular beach, weaponless.
After LIRIK was run over by a truckload of laughing Brits, he respawned on the beach and spotted another player. "Friendly! Friendly!" he shouted to the other guy. "Yo dude, let's team up and go fuck some shit up, huh? Do you have a microphone? I hate it when people don't have microphones. Whaddayasay?"
The other player, staring into LIRIK's face, waited for LIRIK to finish, then said in a thick Russian accent, "mebbe you talks too much," turned, and ran away.
LIRIK eventually got over the insult and went on to befriend another fellow, and they gave each other transfusions, fought off a murderous player or two, and were trying to deal with a huge herd of zombies when a third player went tearing ass through an adjacent field, spurting blood, with at least a dozen angry zombies chasing him.
"Hey! Over here!" cried LIRIK. "Come over here and we can kill all these fuckers!"
"Okay," said the running man, and steered their way.
"Wait a minute. Are you the guy who said I talked too much?"
Oshi, a guy from Texas, likes to stream when he comes home from work, but streaming in DayZ is almost suicidal because so many other players enjoy stream-sniping (using the stream to mark the player's position, then sneaking up from behind and killing them). A couple of nights ago Oshi couldn't go four hundred yards without getting jumped, and he was clearly getting upset about it.
Not today, though. Today, Oshi was decked out in all sorts of finery that would normally take hours to acquire, and he even had a truck. Eventually, he made his way to the airport. I didn't have the sound on, but it was obvious by the way Oshi was looking about that fighting was going on everywhere around him.
Oshi himself was practically out in the open, spotting other players from one end of the airfield by watching the crowds of zombies and their movement. But he would never even look behind him. "They're gonna sneak up on you, man!" I was practically shouting at the monitor, but nobody did. Eventually, he got hit pretty bad in a head-on sniper duel, and crawled off into the woods to mend himself...
... Whereupon three of his friends emerged to give him aid. Apparently unannounced, Oshi was traveling with at least a three-man goon squad, who were setting up behind him and then mowing down and looting what must have been dozens of stream-snipers, judging by the quality and quantity of loot they had acquired. His communications must have been done through some means not audible or visible to other players, like Skype or ICQ.
Oshi and his boys have figured out how to profit from the trolls, which makes watching them even more entertaining.
The Day Zero setup is really, really cruel, because all dead players re-spawn on the same stretch of zombie-infested beach, without weapons, and arguably the hardest part of the game is getting away from the axe-and-taser fights on the coast and finding relative safety inland.
sofa king
(10,857 posts)I'm not sure, but I think that the Kiwi voice who is speaking with LIRIK is Dean Hall, one of the creators of the DayZ mod and the head of the effort to create a standalone game, projected to be released sometime next year.
sofa king
(10,857 posts)Lately I've been watching a guy named SoulCrush_ playing DayZ on twitch. He says he's drawn to competitive gaming and DayZ is his current favorite because of the depth and complexity of PvP combat.
SoulCrush_ doesn't have a very large following, which is too bad because his gaming experience is vastly complicated by the fact that he is unapologetically black. A moderator has to ride herd on his chat stream in Twitch to ban the vile insults that come from viewers, other players seem to be hunting him for sport, and he obscures the in-game chat with his own camera-view so that the endless stream of hatred is not broadcast.
But I gotta hand it to the kid. Rather than lose his shit, he just seems to factor racism and stream-sniping into his game, and keeps going. He seems to take a quiet satisfaction in Z-hunting, and in this case he's hunting Zimmermans, not zombies.
A couple of nights ago, I watched SoulCrush and a couple of buddies try like hell to survive on a server where they were being both stream-sniped and hunted by a UAV, while his opponents were spitting the n-word and otherwise being dicks. SoulCrush's crew did a pretty good job defending themselves, but eventually, they were chased out.
I got so pissed off that I lowered the shields, joined Twitch, and listed SoulCrush as the one and only person I follow.
Some of you out there might be more financially stable than I am, and one can subscribe to Twitch for only $4.99. SoulCrush also takes direct donations, though I'm not really sure how that works--I'm sure it's explained on his profile page.
Since I have none of those other options, I've been making a point of tuning into his stream each night and running some commericials. For example, while I was watching KT Rolster get steamrolled by STX Soul in the Starcraft II Proleague playoffs last night, I'd drop out during the 10-minute lulls between matches and skip over to SoulCrush, so that I could run a rack of commercials for him and watch him play for a few minutes.
I have a feeling that some of the folks here may wish to start following SoulCrush as well. He needs followers, and following is free (edit: but it will quickly fill your inbox). If he can boost his total number of followers above a certain number, around 6000, I think, Twitch will partner with him and the guy might actually make a living playing this game--for a while, anyway.
Anyway, I really enjoy watching this guy both because he is good and because he is playing a larger, much more complicated game than others play. If there is one dude out there worth backing, I think this guy is it.
So please, send him your love, because the stupid half of America is already bringing him the hate.
sofa king
(10,857 posts)Destroyerdetemps and Roman have launched a 24-hour "friendly gurl gamer" stream.
Today Destroyer's persona is a cross-dresser with a nice Jean Harlow sort of look. Her boyfriend is wearing mirror-shades and three popped-collar polo shirts. Certain to antagonize other players, which plays right into Destroyer's close-quarters PvP expertise.
sofa king
(10,857 posts)Starts in about a half an hour.
Main Stream:
Map Stream:
Sacriel's Stream:
Sacriel complained vociferously about his heart rate in the previous SG3, so his fans have insisted that this time he plays with an on-screen heart monitor. He also wears a Ghillie suit while playing, which is hilarious.
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)I don't watch a whole lot of DayZ... It has too much 'stealth time' and too little 'action time' for one unfamiliar with the game and it's maps like I am. There are soooo many different games broadcast though that there is always something cool to watch. Good stuff
sofa king
(10,857 posts)I think I'm going to be streaming myself here soon. FTL is all I can do, but my testing has shown it just barely works. I'll update the FTL thread when I do.
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)With the Xbox1, I only read about it as far as it will cost extra to stream. PS4 is supposedly Twitch ready with only making an account required. I'm pretty psyched about being able to stream and/or put up videos.