Related: About this forumWhat are you currently playing?
I like to do a "what is everyone playing" thread every now and then to get a feel for what good games are out there right now. Currently, I've been spending most of my gaming time playing Persona 4 Golden, Torchlight 2, Farcry 3 and Rogue Legacy. The latter is a terrific rogue-like that combines the platforming action of a excruciatingly diificult Castlevania game, with the upgrading of characters/castle of a strategy type game.
I've also been playing through the click and point adventure game Broken Sword on my tablet. I'm not much of an adventure game fan, but this one is pretty good.

(29,047 posts)I was going to pick up The Last of US, but I'm a bit broke right now.
(26,467 posts)NuclearDem
(16,184 posts)Posteritatis
(18,807 posts)The Philosopher
(895 posts)Because of my nephews, I'm doing Oblivion on PS3. I want to finish my game on Kingdoms of Amalur, Dead Souls and Dragon's Dogma. They're also "lending" me their xBox, which I'll experience the Halo series through, although I'm not sure I'm going to like it.
And, of course, I'm playing Elder Scrolls Online. WITH MY IMAGINATION.
(8,040 posts)The level scaling turned me off so much. Skyrim was much better, though I don't seem to have put as much hours into it as most of my friends. I got bored fairly quickly.
I find it kinda funny I put in more hours into Avernum: Escape from the Pit than sky rim.
I know that's boring. I've been playing some on PTR to get a taste of what's coming.
(20,805 posts)...counting down to the release of BF 4....
(8,040 posts) clan is very active on BF3
(59,305 posts)Finally took the plunge. Love it.
(8,040 posts)Used to play it quite a bit. Now all the videos on YouTube are starting to annoy me. If I see one more Let's Play of mine craft....
(3,220 posts)"Hello, this is (commentary idiot) and today we're playing Minecraft! / Happy Wheels! / Skyrim! / Amnesia! / Slender!"
I like some LP's (Slim Kirby is my favorite), but most of them are formulaic trash. You know what I mean, the ones that sound like they're reading from cue-cards and are either the best sleep aids out there or annoying as shit. I personally think Minecraft and Skyrim should never be LP'd alone, and require extremely entertaining commentary.
(22,744 posts)Eve Online Eve Online Eve Online Eve Online Eve Online Eve Online Eve Online Eve Online Eve Online.
I've failed to finish three AAA console titles in a row now (Far Cry 3, Bioshock Infinite, and The Last Of Us) because I keep getting sidetracked by Eve.
My current ships...
The Mackinaw is an exhumer with an extensive ore bay.
The Iteron-class cargo tugger is fast and reliable
The Tristan is a Combat Frigate designed for frontline fighting.
The Myrmidon is a Combat Battlecruiser that focuses on its drones for damage and a large tank for staying power.
(18,807 posts)Separation
(1,975 posts)Had a character I built up multi million XP character. Spartan Romanus, was his name. Last I played of him he could fly Caldari Carriers and Titans. I moved and couldn't play as much so I ended up selling him on ebay for $800.
I check in on him from time to time to see what he has been up to on the kill boards.
I spent waaaaaaaaaaay to much time on that game.
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)Also some Jetpack Joyride... Review beig worked on.
Skeeter Barnes
(994 posts)I've got all 3 games in the Uncharted series sitting on the shelf and I'm looking forward to playing those at some point. The only game I've ever used my PS3 for is Gran Truismo. Didn't expect for it to sit there gathering dust when I bought it but I might play the new GTA on it instead of Xbox.
I do want to give Torchlight 2 a try.
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)I do have 3 characters that can prestige but I keep wanting to finish off just a few more challenges
Skeeter Barnes
(994 posts)
(10,039 posts)Currently stuck on "Dark Manor."
(8,352 posts)She is playing Kingdoms of Amalur (but is currently turned off by it), excessive amounts of a heavily modded PC version of Skyrim, slowly working her way through F.E.A.R., and Torchlight 2 with me.
I do co-op Torchlight 2 with her. I am also playing SiN (which I finally got installed on Windows 7 x64!), Dead Island GOTY (though I am at the prison and not really inspired to move forward at this point), and Singularity, which is surprisingly fun and quite good. I am blazing through it and will likely start the Serious Sam series from the beginning. I will also be starting System Shock 2 once I have it modded.
I got it on steam, even though I have the original on disc (we moved and I couldn't find it). I like both the original and the new episode. Wish it had sold enough that they could have kept making the episodes. The level of interactivity is awesome, sand the weapons are so... Beefy. You really feel like they have power. I especially like the handgun.
I also loved system shock. Got it when GoG put it out...passed it no time, because I played out so much. I HATE the second last level though. The last little level was pretty fantastic though.
(8,352 posts)I always wanted to play it in the '98 days but never got around to it. I bought it unopened recently at a used game shop. I am not a big fan of Steam and don't use the service....yet.
The installer is 16 bit, and I had to hack it to get it to install on Windows 7 x64. I am going to look for the new episode as well given how much I am enjoying it.
Yeah, the version of System Shock 2 I have is from GoG. I love their service. I found a nice guide on the GoG forums for setting up and modding it. I added fixes, patches, and high res textures. I can definitely see that the team behind it went on to do Bioshock.
I have to admit that I am really enjoying playing older games and have found some great & obscure FPS' that I missed - Operation Matriarchy, The Stalin Station Red Veil, the Mortyr/Battlestrike series, etc.
(5,400 posts)Great story, voice acting, and visual design, but less than optimal controls.
It would be a legendary series if they fleshed out the way the player interacts with the world. But it is addictive and pretty special in its own right.
(26,467 posts)dionysus
(26,467 posts)currently playing RE6 on PS3.
(16,184 posts)Vashta Nerada
(3,922 posts)I'm waiting for Final Fantasy XIV-A Realm Reborn. I can't find the game anywhere in any store in town and the digital downloads have been suspended.
Vashta Nerada
(3,922 posts)I just set up my account on PC!
(29,411 posts)I really need to get a system.
(776 posts)I played a lot of "Euro Truck Simulator 2" and "X3: Terran Conflict". Since I play X as a trader, it's basically truck simulator in space. Even thought I don't really do much hauling anymore, since I have a fleet of about 20 NPC traders making me money, so now I've started building factory complexes. Since the story missions seem to involve a lot of fighting I haven't touched them yet, and might not until I own a big enough military fleet to just have them do the fighting for me.
I also bought "Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs" and can't wait to start it, but I have yet to download it.
And finally on a whim I started playing "Bard's Tale II: The Destiny Knight". I dabbled in it as a kid on the Commodore 64, but was too young to really get it. Fantasy RPGs really aren't my thing so I don't know how far into it I will get, but I'm already a lot further than I ever got before. It must be at least 20 years since I last drew a map for a computer game on paper!
Fix The Stupid
(980 posts)You just took me back 20 years...
How are you playing this today? Emulator or something?
LOVED these games... won them all.
Bards Tale III is a great game as well...
Can I still remember some of the spells?
Damn thats cool.
(776 posts)A while ago I bought the modern version of "Bards Tale" on Steam on a whim (it was on sale for literally a couple of bucks), which also included the three original games in an emulated Apple II format.
But instead I'm playing the DOS version, through DosBox on my Linux laptop. I'm regretting it a bit, I should have probably gone for the Commodore 64 version for maximum retro feel. Plus the music on the Dos version is utterly unbearable.
Sword and Sorcery games really are not my thing so I didn't last very long. I'm more interested in exploring than battling, and I got tired of grinding through the random encounters and then having to interrupt exploring a dungeon to resurface to recharge my hit and spell points.
I recently found a program for drawing maps for text adventures. I always found the map drawing part (on paper) really annoying since I'd never know where to start on a page and I'd invariably run out of paper on at least on side. Then part of puzzle was figuring out how rooms were arranged, and having to that on paper meant lots of trial and error, draw & erase and the map in the end would be a complete mess. Having a program where you can move rooms around at will and draw complex connection actually makes it fun! And you get a nice clean map in the end.
So I got back into some old Infocom text adventure games. I just finished "Leather Goddesses of Phobos" and had great time (and now have some beautiful maps Cleveland, Mars and the Venusian Jungle to show for it). Now I'm wondering which game to play next...
(2,135 posts)World of Tanks, Team Fortress 2, GTA: San Andreas (don't have V yet.)
(423 posts)Last edited Mon Sep 23, 2013, 04:47 PM - Edit history (2)
(These are all PS3 titles.)
I thought GTA V could never live up to the hype, and was prepared to be slightly disappointed. Instead, Rockstar appears to have improved on every aspect of the GTA experience, removing several things that hurt GTA IV.
Edited to add: After I posted this I discovered that GTA V has a glitch that makes it impossible to keep cars, even the ones you paid for, and even after spending tens of thousands to upgrade them. It's still an okay game, just like GTA IV and all the other flawed GTA games. But it most definitely did NOT live up to the hype.
2nd edit: It's been a few days, and I have to say this is the most fun I've ever had on this console. I'm just not trying to upgrade or keep any vehicles (which improves the game in one way - by giving it a quicker pace). Hopefully they'll fix it and the game will be even better. Ohio Joe gave me this link to "Rockstar working on GTA 5 fix for vanishing vehicles" in another thread:
Before that: Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3 (good, but not nearly as good as 1 or 2).
Before that: Star Trek (I was warned, but I didn't listen).
Before that: Uncharted 3 (WTF was that???!!! ... couldn't finish it. Nice graphics, but my god, I could have more fun with a bowl of dry Cheerios).
Before that: The Last of Us (outstanding).
Before that: Saints Row 3 (I don't know why I didn't finish this. It's better than 2, and I played the hell out of that one. For some reason, I just didn't care what happened next in SR 3).
(18,807 posts)Dash87
(3,220 posts)I'm totally sick of it. I'm playing nothing at the moment, but am bound to find something soon.
I couldn't get into Fallout: New Vegas. The world and settings just doesn't interest me enough. Maybe some BF3 to get ready for BF4 (which should be more entertaining).
I was very very let down by the new Sim City. EA literally made me not want to buy it with how badly they messed that game up. I won't even pay $5 for it, because I don't want a game that will become a coaster in 2 years because EA pulled the plug on the servers for it.
Minecraft me is the number 1 you let me
(24,096 posts)zombie survivalist shooter thing on browser.
Skeeter Barnes
(994 posts)They definitely got the loot drops right with the console version. There is always incentive to keep on smashing mobs, looking for that next Legendary drop. Shitty drop rates were my main problem with Borderlands 2 and this has been such a nice change. Having good gear available while you level up is so much more fun than having to make do with vendor trash gear!
And I'm surprised how frantic the combat can get even with the smaller mobs on the console version. It can really get wild with the body count on some of the multi kills!
I'm going to stick with it for a while but they are waiting too long to come out with the expansion - March 2014 - well after the next gen consoles will be on the market.
(7,944 posts)We got bored with Guild Wars 2
We are all sick of Neverwinter Nights
Trying The Secret World while we wait for Elder Scrolls Online.
I also want to try Everquest Next since Everquest was the granddaddy of MMO's
Vashta Nerada
(3,922 posts)I made it to level 80 with two different characters and it was like "now what?"
(28,581 posts)I started playing EQ the day it went gold I tried EQ2 and hated it though.
I'm a lightweight gamer and this is my first Elder Scrolls game. I needed something to occupy me since I developed bursitis in my shoulder, and can't do my first love (sewing and embroidery) as much.
I like it! Nice variety in what's offered. Just un-Vampired myself this morning.
(8,352 posts)now we are playing couch co-op Diablo III, she's back into Skyrim, and I am currently playing Binary Domain, Wolfenstein, and Bioshock I & II yet again.
Diablo III is not bad. There are some serious visual lags when playing the Monk in heavy battles, but overall it is a fun game.
Binary Domain has an interesting Sci-Fi story, good FPS overall, but it does have some very frustrating & deadly puzzles. I have had to reload from a checkpoint numerous times on some of them which gets a bit old.
Wolfenstein I wanted to play but hadn't on the PS3. I LOVE anything Wolfenstein as I have been laying it on one system or another since I was a boy on my IIe.
Bioshock I & II were awesome on the PC but I am truly loving playing them again on the big screen with kick-ass audio as well.
(28,581 posts)Uncle Joe
(60,884 posts)Last edited Fri Dec 13, 2013, 09:55 PM - Edit history (1)
Thanks for the thread, Evoman.
(19,131 posts)also, meatspace Deluxe Scrabble with me mum
(39,961 posts)and Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition. Also messing around with different games on my Galaxy Note II phone.
(8,040 posts)I mean path of exiles. I could google it but I'm too lazy. Do you play many free (or freemium) games? What kind of game is it? I loooooooove Baldurs Gate. I great they are also coming our with a sequel bundle for Shadows of Amn with Throne of Bhaal dlc included. If I hadn't already played it about 4 times and have so manythergames to play is go through it again.
Speaking,of which. I have a great question for the forum
I prefer live life games
Today the whole day I played sincitycasino, I enjoy
(18,585 posts)I won't spoil it for everyone, but if you have two hours, it's an interesting little media experience (think 'dear esther' with more depth.)
(860 posts)it's pretty fun, and I do like me some adventurer games. But I think I'll head back to my Mass Effect games soon, because I miss the story and the characters. Bioware knows how to steal my heart.
I've heard a a ton of good things about Persona 4. Would you recommend it?
(8,040 posts).... then absolutely yes. It can be a bit repetitious in the fighting mechanic (like most jRPGs), but the story is excellent and the daily activities you do as a high school student (work, school, hang with friends) are fun. They also affect your fighting abilities and what "personas" you can summon and use.
I used to love RPGs as a kid, but stopped playing then at about the time of final fantasy 8. Got tired of the same old fighting and the same old cliche stories. The persona games are one of the first jrpgs I've played for more than an hour in about a decade. If you have a vita, get Persona 4 Gold.... It's got extra story bits and more dungeons and a couple of great new characters that fit awesome and flawlessly into the game. It's gotten fantastic reviews.
(2,918 posts)Farming signets on The Secret World
Contemplating a return to WoW.
Awaiting the pc versions of GTA V/ Watchdogs
Still mourning the loss of City of Heroes/Villains.
(1,828 posts)Arcane Legends.
Mayberry Machiavelli
(21,096 posts)Still love the game but it's discouraging getting matched up most of the time with people who squash you easily.
(8,040 posts)I hate playing against other people...I want to play when I want, as long as I want. So I like games that have AI...but with the caveat that it has a difficulty slider. The problem with Starcraft 1 was that the computer would build super quick and kick my ass. I want to be able to kick its ass, if only just barely and ramp up the difficulty as I got accustomed. I have to admit, I haven't played Starcraft 2 though...does it have difficulty options and can you play against a bot?
Mayberry Machiavelli
(21,096 posts)I play against it at the highest difficulty for practice but it has several incremental difficulty levels including "drooling idiot".
Highly recommended and the single player missions are great.
Hit me up at Yama.813 if you ever want to play or goof around. (That's my player code on
(8,040 posts)Nt
Mayberry Machiavelli
(21,096 posts)To beat the highest level of it you have to eventually become a semi-competent player (i.e. able to build up an economy and army at a decent pace which are the most important skills by far).
But I'd say that the single player campaign alone makes the games worth it, Blizz does a great job with those, I've just been so embroiled in multiplayer with the Heart of the Swarm expansion that I haven't gotten around to playing its campaign yet.
There are also tons of instructional videos on Youtube and elsewhere both chronicling epic games and also instructional videos showing how to execute certain builds and unit control/micro techniques, as well as discussion of overall strategy.
Here's an example of a YouTube video of one of the best tournament SC2 games ever, a deciding game in the semis of a huge tournament: is a major resource also, that has channels that broadcast live most of the major tournaments that happen as well as hosting the streams of many major players (as well as a lot of really good amateurs as well). It's free to make an account, then you can "follow" players whose style you like or enjoy watching and you can watch when they are streaming. As a bonus a lot of the twitch channels will also archive videos from the streams, so even if you miss the live cast/stream you can go to that player or tournament's channel and watch from the archived video:
(20,805 posts)..on PS3
(43,311 posts)DavidG_WI
(245 posts)But have been playing Guns Of Icarus Online, The Dark Mod, Legend Of Grimrock, Knights Of Pen And Paper, NAEV and Dungeons Of Dredmor.
I bought Metro: Last Light, Legend Of Aetherus and Strike Suit Zero on 75%+ off sale, but my box is too old to play them.
(8,040 posts)I absolutely love the thief games and like I've said on another thread, I'm scared to death they will screw it up. The Dark Mod seems to be very true to the original games. Are you using it to make mods or is thea single player campaign you are enjoying?
Egalitarian Thug
(12,448 posts)so far it's got great entertainment value and potential. It's simply a huge open world adventure playable in first or third person perspective.
You are just a normal person that wakes up on a beach, seriously hungry and dehydrated, with nothing but your clothes and a flashlight. There are no markers or power ups, food, water, and equipment all have to be found while dodging the zombies and other players as they tend to be kill happy assholes, but that's MM games.
When you're wounded, especially early when you still have nothing, you frequently die slowly because you have no medical equipment (you even have to take off you shirt to make rags so that you can stop the bleeding until you find something else to use). You have a blood type, BTW, but don't know your type unless you stumble across a testing kit.
So far the depth of this game is impressive even in this early stage.
(10,413 posts)My first venture beyond Nintendo. My last console was the Wii. It is quite the steep learning curve with this controller that has like 20 buttons. I was a bit hesitant to buying a new system because it seems like there are so many first person shooters, which I am not a fan of. I'm liking this one thus far, learning a lot as I go on.
Anyone know of any Zelda like games for the PS4? I have seen previews of The Witness, which is supposed to be like Myst.
Skeeter Barnes
(994 posts)and I heard they did a good job updating the graphics. It's supposed to be the best looking game on the PS4 so far. If I had a PS4, that's the first game I would get for it. Congrats on the new Play Station.
Skeeter Barnes
(994 posts)I also got a used copy of Max Payne 3 for $8. I love it when new consoles come out because the price of the previous gen games plummet. I got all three games, which all got great reviews, for a little over $50 and two of those were brand new.
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)We are all trying to out do each other to see who can get gold medals on all the tracks first
(59,305 posts)just finished the main quest line very early this morning, and I'm rounding out a few side quests currently. If you are a south park fan this game is fantastic.
(1,681 posts)I'm hooked on Defense Grid from xbox live. It's a tower defense game that I'm convinced was inspired by Satan himself.
Skeeter Barnes
(994 posts)Just finished XCOM Enemy Unknown, my first strategy game, and I really enjoyed it. The difficulty levels can be punishing. I had to finish it on "easy"!
(16,184 posts)I still haven't finished it.
Skeeter Barnes
(994 posts)I'd get behind cover but it would be destroyed in the next turn so I was constantly running and getting shot by aliens on overwatch.
(4,261 posts)That's the StarWars Galaxies emulator. It's a lot of fun. Saw an Evoman char the other day. made me wonder.
(44,123 posts)I can't figure out how to give recipes to crafters >.<
(294 posts)but I am on a Mac and using Wine or PlayonMac to wrap the files just doesn't work for me. I've tried many times and always get lost.
I've searched high and low for a prepared .dmg file and have no luck at all.
I yearn for the old style gameplay that UO offers.
(16,184 posts)miyazaki
(2,414 posts)DavidG_WI
(245 posts)Civ5, Mark Of The Ninja, Dungeons Of Dredmor and Shadowrun Returns right now.
(19,131 posts)how can I pass that up