Jetpack Joyride - PS3 - Review
A nice wake-and-bake this morning with some Grand Daddy Purps I have left... Two bowls in the vaporizer and a nice breakfast of hash browns with sausage and onion cooked in and I'm ready to go.
I downloaded this a week or two ago, a short one (I forget the exact size but I'm pretty sure it was no more then a couple hundred meg) that even had a quick installation... A nice change.
This is an old school side scrolling throw back with a handful of minor 'modern day' improvements. To begin with, the game is only played Hardcore... One life per game. Your character is a guy in a jetpack going from the left of the screen to the right, push any button and it gives a small spurt to the pack so you have to keep tapping (or hold down the button for continues fire) to move from bottom of the screen to the top. There are various obstacles like lasers and electrical currents... Also some power ups like vehicles... And coins...
I probably should have already said, this is a completely FREE game, just download and play... Very cool. They do want to make money somehow though, so they put in coins. You collect coins a-la Mario but can spend them in between rounds to buy new clothes, power ups, new jet packs and vehicle upgrades. The catch is, it takes a fuck load of coins to buy anything so they hope you will use real money to buy the coins... Sorry boys but Ohio Joe is far to obsessive to plunk down real money when he can just keep playing
If I was not so freakin poor, I'd feel bad about it.
Graphics - As I already mentioned, the game is both a throw back as well as free... That said... Everything is crisp, clear and well animated. More then I would expect
Controls - It does not get much simpler then this... Left thumb stick moves you up and down and any of the button can be used to control the jetpack. It never confused or lost me once
Fun Factor - I really like this game for doing some quick play sessions where I want to play but really don't have time to sink into a deeper (Any depth at all to a game brings it well above this one) and just want to waste 20-30 minutes.
Bottom line - If you have a PS3, go get this game and give it a try. You have only a nice time waster to gain and nothing to lose.