Related: About this forumWho's playing GTA V?
My copy is on a UPS truck and will be delivered later today. Has anyone already started playing the game? If so, any thoughts?
I've been watching some game play videos posted overnight and the Los Santos region is massive. There is definitely plenty to see and do. I don't know if it is larger than the expansive world of Skyrim but it certainly looks larger.
There is also a mobile app called iFruit which you can download. With it, you can link your Xbox or PS3 accounts and then order a custom car (for free) which will be available in the game for you to use. There's a mini-game in it where you can feed\walk\play with a dog whose happiness level will be reflected when you encounter the dog in the game.
This game looks like it could consume a lot of my free time for the next several weeks.

Vashta Nerada
(3,922 posts)IGN gave it a 10 out of 10. But they also gave GTA IV a 10, and that game was horrible.
I'll wait until it comes out for PC. Right now, I'm focusing on Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.
Skeeter Barnes
(994 posts)Vashta Nerada
(3,922 posts)Hayabusa
(2,135 posts)Skeeter Barnes
(994 posts)Posteritatis
(18,807 posts)Will probably be buying it then though. GTA's always been a guilty pleasure of mine.
(776 posts)But that's ok. I loved GTA III, VC and SA, but when GTAIV come out with it's three metric tons of DRM, Games For Windows Live, and horrible optimisation I was disappointed and decided to skip it. I was actually given GTAIV for my birthday, but I never ended up installing it. I don't have (nor want) a GFWL account and my rig is nearly six years old, so I'd probably run horribly anyway.
So I've been pretty indifferent about GTAV coming out. For me the jury is out until we see what kind of PC version they can deliver.
At this point I'm more excited about Saint's Row 4.
(18,807 posts)It's pretty much the most batshit absurd game I've ever laid hands on by a substantial margin, and is probably going to be my go-to game for silly stress relief for years to come.
That, and you can tell everyone who touched the project had a blast doing so. It's one of my personal yardsticks for figuring out whether I like something or not, and the game passes that one with flying colours.
(776 posts)I absolutely loved SR3 and liked most of SR2 (the PC optimisation was shaky and the activity missions eventually became repetitive and ridiculously difficult), so SR4 has been on my to-buy list since it was announced. But my games backlog on Steam is so long that I can't really justify buying games at full price, so I'll wait for the price to come down and to see which of the DLC is actually worth getting (or the complete edition, whichever is cheaper).
I don't know if you saw it, but, on the day GTAV launched, the GAT V pack DLC for SR4 was available for free. I was apparently able to pick it up on Steam, even though I don't even own SR4 yet.
(18,807 posts)I didn't know they could bonkers-ize it as much as they did, but there they went. It's been awhile since a game's gotten that many surprised LOLs out of me.
The side missions in 4 are somewhat repetitive, but they also tie them into the character missions at points and there's enough variety that they're usually fun anyway. If you loved SR3 you'll love 4, though.
(776 posts)They did show some flashes of bonkeritis in SR3 with the shark attack and the mind control octopus guns. And then there was Burt Reynolds. So I'm very much looking forward for all-out, no holds barred, industrial sized bonkers in SR4.
The only thing that I thought they did better in SR2 compared to SR3 were the cutscenes (2 had more and longer ones) and the variety of cribs and customization options. But I heard they had to cut corners for budgetary reasons in 3.
The side missions in SR3 were perfect; three levels, and the difficulty was ok. And one had a tiger! The six levels in SR2 I thought were too much, and some just became annoyingly difficult, to the point where I couldn't be arsed and just went finished the story missions. I never did complete stuff like the trailblazer, escort or crowd control missions.
(18,807 posts)One of the things I loved about 3 is how, well, aggrieved Boss sounded with half the stuff the game was putting him through. That and the insurance missions were probably the best in that regard.
To give you an idea of how out there things get in SR4, the first weapon I managed to acquire that wasn't taken from a random mook in battle was a dubstep cannon. That doesn't count the very first mission in the game, which sets the tone pretty thoroughly overall...
4 does okay on cutscenes, I think; its main strength is dialogue, though, often mid-mission. The banter between crewmates is great as usual, too.
Skeeter Barnes
(994 posts)I'm hoping for some good expansions like the Ballad of Gay Tony was for the last game.
(423 posts)I haven't gotten any of those calls so far in GTA V, but I'm only a few hours into it (and I've mostly just explored).
(29,423 posts)I hope this is an extension of that but hopefully you still have friends like Jacob to bring discount weapons.
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)I'm going to go with a GotY edition that has expansions included as well.
(423 posts)Use the couch's 'sit' function, and then you'll get three more options: stand up, watch TV, or smoke. The colors get brighter after you smoke.
(423 posts)There's something that looks like a parachute at the dam ... well actually, it looks like a bulletproof vest, but because it was near a very high series of ladders that overlook a valley, I assumed it was a parachute.
It was an embarrassing and shame-filled death.
(188 posts)
Vashta Nerada
(3,922 posts)That's awesome haha
(744 posts)In a few words I can describe it as sick, twisted, eerie, vile, godless, evil, and apologetically offensive.
And I love every second of it!
If you don't have the console just drop the $270 and pick up the PS3 bundle. If you have any inkling of enjoying video games, this is the product to get.
Good grief.
(14,030 posts)My L stick for steering is very sensitive and the slightest nudge dramatically alters my driving direction. The road chases are proving to be an entertaining challenge, albeit one with plenty of damage.