Industry Blend: Capcom's Disc-Locked Content Could Combat Used Game Sales
So Street Fighter X Tekken has complete content they want to charge not only you more for but also charge anyone that might buy your copy used. They also want to avoid paying Sony or MicroSoft a fee for delivering the content.
The pretense we are all supposed to believe is that companies are "losing" money because of the used game market. Bullshit, plain and simple. It is not that they are losing money, it's that they want to get in on it and make sure they are not only making extra because of it but that they get to re-sell the same content over and over.
You know... As a programmer, I really hate piracy and I find every last excuse for it as simply a justification to steal. It's stupid greedy shit like this though that makes people want to steal.
Bottom line. Fuck you CAPCOM, bad enough you keep putting out the same game year after year with a slightly new coat of paint and sucker people into buying it new, now you want to make people pay several times over just to get the whole game each year. I would not touch this game with a ten foot pole.