branch was so great at giving us support. Not pushing us to believe what they believed but allowing us to believe in our own faith, offering to do anything we asked for him or us. He loved rock music - they gave us one of their Ipods to use for him. Several who had been in terrible accidents themselves came in to give us hope. They made sure we had easy communication with the nursing staff. There was so much and what really impressed me was that it was not just us. They reached out to others who had nothing to do with CMA or our family.
I want to thank any of this group who are doing the same thing.
My brother worked for them in Sturgis SD during the rally in the emergency waiting room helping the families who came in with an injured loved one. He would have been good at that.
He wanted so bad to ride a bike and finally got his own. Had ridden only for a short time and was on a 200 mile fundraiser for veterans when he went around a curve and lost control. We will never know why he lost control and I guess it does not matter.
Thank you and I am glad to have you here on DU.