Outdoor Life
Related: About this forumWas at bass pro shop this afternoon
My wife needed to go get some items at the mall. Anyway I love to fish freshwater, trout bass crappies Muskie walleyes. I was looking at the spinning reels. Wow I did not buy anything but some of the prices I saw a reel today prices insane 450$ For shimano . I know shimano makes quality but to this day. I still use penn spincast reels made in Philadelphia.
Im ultralight kind of fishing and I like shimano I bought our sons shimano ultralight for trout and panfish and we even have used them To go after largemouth bass. And we use medium spinning reels muskies walleyes channel cats. But Im really hard on gear we wade and how many times have we got reels wet.
I was just amazed at the pricing on higher end reels. My wife met me and I pointed out the price on the 450$ reel. She knows when it comes to gear Im practical. In the car I told her I wonder how many husbands bought one of those. And ended up sleeping on the couch with it.

(6,908 posts)That if a buy any more camping gear, it's going to be a good thing I have all that camping gear.
(8,148 posts)calguy
(5,877 posts)when all these bass "pros" started getting on tv and wearing shirts with logos just like race car drivers? It's all marketing geared to the inner macho man who wants to be like those guys on tv. Somehow cranking for bass and losing ten dollar lures on snags isn't my idea of having a great time. These days I focus on fly fishing with modest priced gear and tying my own flies. I enjoy the sport much more than I ever have and don't spend a ton of money to do it. When it comes to buying into the macho marketing campaigns,count me out.
(14,135 posts)I think I may buy the shimano nasci 1000 as upgrades. Maybe one a month for boys and dad. Your getting into quality as I was looking at them today . Ive always spin cast never tried fly fishing friend.
(2,050 posts)And do you think for a moment any of these company's will take a loss on predicted profit to pay for advertising?
You have to spend money to make money but the consumer is paying for all the advertising, contest prizes, t-shirts and all.
I used to use a big time nationally known insurance company for my classic and collector cars, my costs for my 98 Cobra Convertible started at $650 a year and after four years was almost $800.
The insurance company sponsors auto shows, an online price guide, commercials galore, a monthly magazine and more.
I decided to go look at their main competitor, now my Cobras insurance is $315 a year.
I can drive it more miles a year, my policy's are way up in per person amounts and my cars insured worth is the same as it was.
Somebody pays for all that advertising and such, it's the consumer.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)Shakespeare closed there California operation years ago. Johnson Minkota believe does only Trolling Motors. The Rod and Reel operations were close in Mankato in the mid Nineties.
(14,135 posts)Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)and of course one just replaces the Strene every year just in case. Rods look beat,but they do the job..
(14,135 posts)I still use pens from American made days.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)Still have six fine point bought at Office Max early nineties.
(14,135 posts)Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)One Shakespeare from 1960. We call this one the tangle nightmare. Still mounted on my first casting rod,fiberglass, that I bought for $2.98 at the Gambles Store,and remember getting a free Red and White Dare Devil with the rod.
(14,135 posts)Its spin cast automatic I dont fish with it but memories.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)Ohiogal
(36,211 posts)Pflueger spinning and bait casting.
He's satisfied with them and they're not that expensive.
Pflueger I have I think its a xt I cannot remember.
(29,690 posts)Paying $450 for a reel is preposterous. $450 for a high-end fly rod? Maybe. But a reel, designed to catch something smaller than a swordfish? Not a chance.
Stupid pay that Im max 100$ on reel