See Thousands Of Fish Fall On Hotel Guests After Massive Aquarium Explodes
The Radisson Blu aquarium was an impressive 82 feet high. It held 264,000 gallons (1 million liters) of water. And 1,500 tropical fish called the tank home.
Its official name is the AquaDom aquarium, which has been a major tourist attraction for years. The stunning aquarium sits in the lobby of Berlin’s Radisson Blu. And there are smaller aquariums positioned beneath it.
Around 5:50 am local time, some hotel guests heard a large crack that sounded almost like an explosion. The water and all 80 species of fish burst into the hotel lobby and onto the street outside. Unfortunately, responding emergency personnel could not save any of the 1,500 fish.
Two people received injuries from the exploding glass shards. However, it could have been much worse. The mayor of Berlin, Franziska Giffey, issued a statement about the aquarium disaster.
Giffey said, “Despite all the destruction, we were still very lucky. We would have had terrible human damage’ had the aquarium burst even an hour later, once more people were awake and in the hotel and the surrounding area.” The majority of the hotel’s 350 guests were safe.