Related: About this forumWas Mister Rogers the messiah?
From the article:
But the idea certainly must be in many peoples minds as they emerge from the movie theater after seeing A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood.
The film stars Tom Hanks as Fred Rogers, aka Mister Rogers, the iconic childrens television show host. It tells the story of Rogers relationship with a journalist who writes for Esquire magazine, based on the real life writer Tom Junod but called Lloyd Vogel in the film. Rogers helps the journalist to repair his relationship with his estranged father, and to become a better husband and father himself.
And the author leads into:
Judaism dreams of a world in which human dignity is real and the presence of God is manifest. And yet the world as we know it all too often makes a mockery of that dream: Human dignity is trodden and trampled upon in countless ways, and God seems far away, absent, even nonexistent. How do we go on hoping in a seemingly hopeless world?
To read more:

(108,327 posts)that a truly nice, decent person-- who lives the tenets of Christ-- would, by comparison, certainly look like the messiah. Somehow, I doubt the kindly humble Fred Rogers would agree.
(42,649 posts)He was doing his best to follow the path.
(49,533 posts)What path?
(17,633 posts)could use the power of television to do good and reinforce his deeply held religious beliefs - without using religion overtly. Just the teachings.
Yet he had people on his show he knew to be gay; with no prejudice applied against them.. And he wanted blacks and minorities to be represented.
Those certainly weren't the practiced tenets of religion at the time (and certainly not now).
(49,533 posts)I'd like to know what "THE" path is, and how guillaumeb knows what it is.
Do you know what it is?
(17,633 posts)Yeah, it runs from squirrel hill to mount washington. There is a bus that can take you if you don't want to walk.
Sorry, not sure what you are really asking..... What does "the" path mean to you.....
(49,533 posts)Thanks for chiming in.
(42,649 posts)Is this how you promote dialogue?
(49,533 posts)Or are you only interested in attacking me?
I asked you a question. Will you answer, or attack?
(42,649 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)Loki Liesmith
(4,602 posts)The path of Christ. Jebus Im an atheist and I know what hes talking about. I suspect you do as well. So why the persistent trolling?
(49,533 posts)You'll note he is aware of the hypocrisy of referring to "the" path, because he won't respond, and instead engages in a personal attack on me. As you just did.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Zoonart
(13,133 posts)truly NICE person. An exceptional human being. There seem to be so few.
Everything else is about killing and superheroes and human monsters.
Clue: there are no superheroes. Only humans, good ones and bad ones, and the bad ones get all the ink.
(42,649 posts)Yes, there are only imperfect humans.
Some, like Trump, seem to deliberately choose to be negative. And that is so sad, and such a waste of potential.
(13,133 posts)
(49,533 posts)Sometimes people like Trump are taught to be negative.
Children who are abused by parents are more likely to grow up to be abusers themselves.
How much do they "choose" their behavior then?
(42,649 posts)All who are abused do not abuse.
We choose.
(49,533 posts)So clearly, the choice is not equally free for all to make.
So much for free will.
(42,649 posts)And anything is acceptable because free will does not exist?
(49,533 posts)then it's pretty conclusively demonstrated that free will (as you and most believers portray it) is an illusion.
Do you have evidence to the contrary?
(42,649 posts)I asserted that people choose to molest. And that not all who are molested behave that way toward others. If you assert that free will is an illusion, anything that anyone does is out of their control, correct?
If however, these factors might merely play a part in how people make their choices, that argues for free will.
(49,533 posts)However, people who were abused as children are statistically more likely to "choose" to abuse.
Why is that?
If free will is truly free, and everyone is equally likely to "choose" to abuse, then why are the children of abusers more likely to?
The clear answer is that we don't have truly "free" will. Our experiences shape us in many ways, they influence our decisions, and we don't control all of them.
(42,649 posts)And of course our experiences influence us. And, to my knowledge, no one here has argued that humans have unfettered free will.
(15,319 posts)We are not blank slates at birth.
(42,649 posts)And humans require a long period of socialization.
(15,319 posts)especially regarding twin studies and how they pretty much rule out tabula rasa models.
(49,533 posts)You sort of have. The problem is that you feel "unfettered" means that we would have the ability to fly if we chose, or ignore other such physical restrictions.
But that's not what I'm talking about, and you've never addressed this aspect. I'm talking about things we've experienced and things we've learned that affect us in ways we aren't consciously aware, and influence our decision-making. In other words, we are NOT all making the same "free" choice all the time.
Do you understand the distinction?
(42,649 posts)As to your second point, no one argues to the contrary here.
(49,533 posts)Or have you changed your position? Do you now acknowledge that factors outside of a person's control can influence their decisions, thus making their will not totally "free"?
(49,533 posts)Why is that?
(42,649 posts)Your questions are not difficult, they are simply unsupported by fact.
And with that, perhaps you should see the movie and give a review.
(49,533 posts)It's a yes/no question.
If there is a problem with the question, please explain what it is.
This isn't difficult. IF you are interested in dialog, that is. If all you want to do is insult and attack me, then it's very difficult to answer i guess.
So what'll it be? Dialog or more insults?
(42,649 posts)And the premise is unsupported.
Dialogue, contrary to what you are doing here, does not consist in mis-framing and accusing based on mis-framing. Your mis-framing is itself insulting to the subject of the insults. You obviously do not realize it. Or you do.
Is that really the best you can do?
If I mis-framed, then explain how I mis-framed. Have you always acknowledged that factors outside our control can affect our decision-making, thus restricting our free will?
(42,649 posts)But it does demonstrate your professed commitment to dialogue.
(49,533 posts)I'm asking the question on your new terms. Will you answer it now? Or insult me some more?
Be the Christian you want the world to see, g.
(42,649 posts)But regulars here have seen this so often that it is, sadly, expected now. So many no longer post here in this Group because of the atmosphere.
(49,533 posts)You could start by answering my simple question.
Turn the page. Let's change things. Let's dialog. I am willing - are you?
(15,319 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)Interesting position.
(15,319 posts)It does however call into serious question punishment theories of criminal justice, and of course christian theology.
(42,649 posts)can anyone truly be guilty?
(15,319 posts)Anti social people arent evil or bad or sinners. They have behavior problems that may require isolation from society, and perhaps rehabilitative training. Like a dog that shits in the house. Beating the dog or the person accomplishes nothing
(33,982 posts)his ass.
That'll fix everything. Religion is totally necessary and makes everything better, doesn't it?
(17,633 posts)either that or hbo. I'm not sure which but it is up now; I saw at a relatives house recently. I haven't seen the movie but the documentary was very well done.
(42,649 posts)Thank you for the suggestion.
(7,579 posts)Just like that Jesus fellow, if he existed. There is no Messiah.
Why can't we accept reality instead of making up superheroes?
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Better really when you consider theres a much better record of his acts.
Cuthbert Allgood
(5,213 posts)tblue37
(66,282 posts)getagrip_already
(17,633 posts)
(42,649 posts)If heaven is a state of mind, rather than a place. one might argue that Rogers found heaven.
(66,282 posts)MontanaMama
(24,309 posts)My husband isnt wild about going with me but he promised. I anticipate bawling through the whole thing. I think Fred Rogers might be one of the best people I ever came across. I got to meet him when I was 10 and my family was invited to the Kennedy home, Hickory Hill, in 1974. Mr. Rogers was there to hang with the kids. I remember being mesmerized by him. All the kids were. It just felt good to be near him and listen to him.
(18,093 posts)Thanks for sharing your story!
(42,649 posts)I never actually watched the program, but I have read about his message.
(23,942 posts)Teachings are all about individual soul development as being how one qualifies to be exempt from the death cycle which is reincarnation. We are each our souls messiah.
(148,660 posts)Maybe he followed Christian teachings, rather than ignoring them, but I don't know. He was a good guy, though.