Names of the Summer Solstice
Oh Summer Solstice! I love you as Midsummer! I also sometimes call you Litha, and can sort of appreciate you as the Feast of St. John the Baptist, but why do you have so many names? And the middle of Summer is early August, not June! You arent quite a vexing holiday, but I can see why you might be confusing to some people.
The other day one of my friends asked Why is Midsummer called Midsummer? I had an answer all lined up for her, but it was my wifes birthday, and the World Cup was on. Ive got priorities. Most of us probably acknowledge the Summer Solstice as the first day of Summer, but thats not always been the case, which is how the first day of Summer came to be known as Midsummer.
A lot of early calendars (such as the Icelandic and Anglo-Saxon) only had two seasons in them-Summer and Winter. When Midsummer (and Midwinter) are looked at from that perspective they live up to their names. If the two seasons of Summer and Winter begin on the equinoxes then the solstices are true midway points.
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