Dance of the Underworld: the Pluto Flyby
Last night and this morning I sat riveted to my computer. Today we kissed the God of the Underworld and the farthest commonly-known planet in our solar system: Pluto. I dont know if I can effectively communicate my joy and excitement! It was astronomy that I remember as first engaging my sense of wonder and reverence for the beauty of the Universe. It was astronomy and mythology that awoke the Paganism that continues to define my life. To me, as I imagine it is to many, when Pluto was still considered a full planet, this was the last planet in the solar system. This is the guardian of our celestial borders.
And how appropriate, especially now that we know that Pluto and its largest moon, Charon, are really a binary dwarf planet system, with at least four moons that we are aware of; and Charon is the psychopomp who takes us into the Underworld, provided that payment is given.