Debate as Rorschach Test—or Why I’m Voting for Hillary Clinton (Starhawk)
Trump literally threatened her, saying hed jail her if he becomes presidenta new low in American politicsand then proceeded with a display of disrespectful and intimidating body language, pacing, turning his back, and looming up behind her for all the world as if he were auditioning for the role of predator in a film noir thriller.
Every communication involves both textthe words we sayand subtexteverything else, tone, body language, syntax, etc. Trumps text was bad enough: besides threatening to jail Clinton if he wins, he promised to ramp up the nuclear arms race, support more development of oil and coal, and continued to defend his racist, sexist positions on women, people of color, immigrants and Muslims. But his subtext was downright creepyfrom the dismissal in his tone every time he mentioned his locker room talk to the lurking, snuffling monster imitation of his physical presence, not to mention the venom in his voice every time he said the word she.
Yet even while he dissed and dismissed Clinton, he also attributed to her almost Godlike powers, continually complaining about how, although shed been in politics for thirty years, she hadnt solved crime or education or poverty or a host of other problems. As if she were a Queen with absolute power, not a participant in a system with multiple conflicting powers, checks and balances. Or maybe not a Queen, but that other deep archetype of female powera Witch!
So, Im speaking to my friends and allies on the progressive sidecan we stop the viciousness? Like her, dont like her, criticize her, but leave off the venom, please! Your vitriol hurts womenall of us. It reinforces the archetypes that see womens power as dangerous and malicious, the same archetypes that contributed to the burning of Witches and that make women vulnerable targets of male rage.

(1,000 posts)As a pagan, feminist supporting male there is no possible way i could consider a confessed sexual assaulting, pedophile, voyeur, and possible rapist for president.
Secretary Clinton has proven many times that she has American values, women, children, and poverty stricken people in her heart. I have watched her career and she has my utter and complete support
one for Secretary Clinton, one for a democratic house and one for a democratic Senate
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)a strong woman with feminist beliefs vs. a male misogynist
Trump is not like Romney, who was clueless about feminism. Trump harbors deep misogyny and does not even seem to recognize women as people, with their own feelings, goals, etc.
The election almost seems to embody the issue of how does/ will this society treat women.