It is now "cool" to hex tRump with binding spells each month."Witches went mainstream"
"2019 might have been the year women went full witch and occultism became cool. The Democratic process proving slow and unwieldy, resistance witches turned to hexes and binding spells to try and get rid of Trump. Perhaps they are having an effect; the man has spent a large portion of the year screaming WITCH-HUNT.
On DU we have been "binding" tRump since Feb., 2017. The next spell will be on Jan., 28, 2020. The dates for 2020 are: Jan. 28, Feb. 20, March 21, April 19, May 19, June 18, July 17, Aug.15, Sept.14, Oct.13, Nov.12 and Dec.11. The dates are three days before the "new moon" each month.

(14,964 posts)one of the first spell bindings of the Trump era, involving Sessions/Flynn. Although I am not personally into this, I also have nothing against it either, especially if it may possibly hurt the devil himself. More power to them, go witches!
(8,008 posts)with Witches doing the hunting. Best of luck to them. Even as a person of science I desperately wish them success.
(1,926 posts)
(1,605 posts)cilla4progress
(26,241 posts)ready to go!
Laffy Kat
(16,572 posts)TruckFump
(5,815 posts)TlalocW
(15,632 posts)You might try stuff that works.
(96,604 posts)Then the work of changing the world begins -- that's what makes it reality.
The reason the phrase "thoughts and prayers" regarding gun violence has become such a bitter joke to us is that the people who say it have no intention of working to make the necessary changes in society.
intentions are key
Thank you for the excellent example Hekate of when the lack of it exists or the intention not with a good purpose...
(96,604 posts)
(17,219 posts)
Happy New Year to you too Hekate! May our wishes and intentions come true....
(7,930 posts)Not that I know jack about these esoteric practices, I'll leave that to the pros, but this is all out war and it will take as many allies as can be summoned to fight in order to eliminate this evil from our fair land.
(52,672 posts)orange feathers and white and orange candles so I thought, "Why not try it, it couldn't hurt". I have only missed 4 or 5 "bindings" since I discovered the spell at the beginning of 2017. I must say that it is satisfying burning an "ugly picture" of him each month. Even if it doesn't work it is good therapy for me...releases some of the frustration and anger.
About a year ago I found out that when my mother did research on the family tree she discovered that one of my relatives was the only person ever tried as a witch in PA (she even lived in the same small town I grew up in). This was in the 1600s and William Penn even made a joke about it at the time. The funny part is that the evidence disappeared so she was acquitted. Apparently the neighbors accused her of damaging their crops and making their herds less productive, and even levitating the barn animals.
(96,604 posts)
(52,672 posts)
mountain grammy
(27,577 posts)Roast the sonofabitch.
(96,604 posts)...her ignorance by assuming spell-working is something new and trendy and "cool."
Off to mark my calendar, Bigman. Thanks.
(26,329 posts)I curse him verbally several times a day.
(24,309 posts)spoken with heartfelt intention are incredibly powerful. I dont underestimate it.
(11,639 posts)I highly recommend this item.
(52,672 posts)I once had. I used up all the pins that came with it and went out and bought extra long, hat-pin type ones. It feels really good to do that. I also bought a Bozo the Clown weighted punching bag and drew tRump's ugly, fat face on it and used it when I felt pissed off at him...I punched it until it deflated a little. It was only $10 and was a great investment for my mental health. I should order another one but am hoping that if I do he may stay in office longer just to spite me and my investment.