Did a little Full Moon ritual yesterday, Oct. 1
I lit a white candle and meditated on moon even though it was behind clouds.
Then said some words of power for the safety of Joe and Jill Biden, for unity, for peace, for a good conclusion to the election, for the good of all -- meaning all of us in this nation, even D.T.
It's specifically against my wiccan training to wish harm on anyone, ever. Also it's very bad karma. The most I could ever do would be a spell binding someone to prevent them from causing harm, but that's a dark moon action anyway, and I've very seldom done it.
Then today I woke up to the news of the pResident's illness.
I'm very glad I didn't ill-wish him, or I'd be feeling awful. And VERY glad indeed that I asked for the Bidens' safety, and the safety of us all.
sending blessings of light and healing to everyone, no exceptions

(9,440 posts)That sounds like a very light-filled and special ceremony.
I've also heard about the negativity and the really bad karma that is believed to occur by putting a "curse" or a "hex" on another human being. I have a good friend who was Wiccan, and she has explained the ramifications in detail.
Having said that, what if someone is REALLY evil? I'm not necessarily speaking of dt.......but like a Hitler? I've always wondered (but I've never been Wiccan) that if it's for the "greater good" and will save lives that maybe one wouldn't incur the karma. What's the thinking around that kind of scenario? Is it because one person's perspective of evil may not be others' definitions of evil?
Wicked Blue
(7,697 posts)This is a brief synopsis from The Overtake web site
"In July 1940, World War Two had been raging for almost a year. While persecuted minorities across Europe felt the force of the Nazis evil doctrine, Britains growing witch population was also driven into the shadows. The practice of witchcraft would remain a prisonable offence until 1951.
Nevertheless, the legend goes that on 31 July 1940 as Hitler prepared to invade Britain, bands of witches known as covens joined together in the south of England in a massive ritual aimed at blocking the Nazi advance. The power generated from the ritual colloquially known as The Magickal Battle of Britain is said to have been so intense that it killed five elderly witches in the process.
Some may point to the Spitfires as a more tangible symbol of British resistance but, either way, there is no denying the outcome. The witches thanks would be eleven more years of persecution.
The ritual was orchestrated by Gerald Gardner, the founding father of a strand of Wicca known as Gardnerism, and Doreen Valiente, one of Gardners high priestesses."
There are different versions of what took place, and I don't know if the story about several witches dying is true. I believe the aim was to plant the words You cannot cross the sea, Not able to come, in Hitler's mind.
another version, much more detailed, is here:
(9,440 posts)Thank you so much for posting this information. I'm going to bookmark them to read as soon as I can....