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This message was self-deleted by its author (darkangel218) on Sat Sep 8, 2012, 11:11 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

Tyrs WolfDaemon
(2,289 posts)Sorry I didn't get around to a welcome until now. (Summer heat is hell on my headaches which makes computer time more limited - but that is a story for another time and place).
I agree that words and thoughts have power, the only problem in our world is that there are so many others causing a cacophony and that can lessen the effect one's thoughts can have. Of course, your thoughts are more likely to do something within your monkey-sphere as you will have more control of the noise and can help focus the thoughts of the others in the sphere (consciously or unconsciously).
Have you ever read anything about how people can statistically alter a random number generator with their thoughts? It is pretty cool stuff. I saw a project where they set up random number generators in various cities and let them run constantly, the populous never knowing that this was going on. These then uploaded the numbers to a central point that would look for places that the output was not as random as it should be. They found that big events did in fact influence the output for days afterward and this is of course looking at city level populations, not a few people sitting around a single computer.
I think I'm starting to ramble now, but that is one of my curses.
(13,985 posts)Most humans are not capable of mastering the ability to change things around them using the power of thought consciously but they still use it unconsciously. And that's what I wanted to talk about. I have quiet of bit of experience with various rituals in low and high magick, but I find situations were I " doom " myself. For example, if I have a premonition dream about a not so pleasant event, instead of trying to prevent it from actually happening, I get in the frame of mind that it will happen, and sure enough soon after, it does. Now that leaves only 2 possibilities: we can create a certain future just by thinking that will happen OR the future is already written somewhere in universe, and we simply tap into that info. BTW, I apologize if I'm making grammer mistakes, I grew up in Europe.
(2 posts)Hey I am new.. I kind of don't know where to start but I am looking for tips on how to dig deeper in the wiccan religion. I have witches in my family but I kind of want to start my search by myself so I can write down any questions that I have. Does anyone know where I should start my study..I was told I need to learn meditation and also learn how to focus my energy.. If you guys can please post books that I should start with for beginers. Thanks.
(13,985 posts)I am not wiccan, so I can't help you there. I presume there are others who can guide you in your quest for enlightment.
Best of luck!
(46,179 posts)Even though I KNOW what's happening, I'm currently in a downward spiral, professionally, economically, and health-wise, because things are really bad, and I'm focused on the bad, and I'm talking about the bad, and the attempts I've made to get out of that pattern have failed, and I've lost some hope, and it's all self-fulfilling.
I KNOW this.
Observation and experience throughout my life have taught me about attraction. What we focus on is what we draw to us, whether it be fear or hope.
Your post reminds me that every moment is an opportunity to redirect words and thoughts, and I need to be more pro-active in doing so.
(13,985 posts)I would like to send you healing and positive energy. It's amazing how much healing can be done even from the distance.