I'm creating a new core belief system 2012 related
Greeting DU something came to me last night. I've been in a lot of pain and trying to figure out why everything happens. I've come up with a new belief system. I have made a blog as of right now and I'll be giving a way to channel energy. Instead of turning my pain into hate or revenge or anger I have turned inward to find a survival for me. Please visit this link http://observeroflifeanasazi.blogspot.com/2012/09/i-am-coming-home.html through pain comes wisdom and understanding. I invite you to come on a journey with me instead of 2012 being the end lets make this a new age of enlightenment as the stars lines. I'll be posting more guidelines. I share with you the journey.

(15,888 posts)Is the blog you link to your own? In it I read that ObserverOfLife Anasazi claims to be a star child?! Is this you? Why do you feel a need to start a new religion? Not that I am knocking that; I'm just curious. I'm sure that most of us in this group have done something similar, after all, that's what puts the 'neo' in neo pagan!
(452 posts)Everyone uses a certain group of ruins to say 2012 is going to be the end of the world on Christmas. Well I got tired of hearing it. I think the Anasazi Indians had a better belief system that we can ascend. I believe certain souls are put on the earth to change events. Stars being just that whatever guides us from above. I do not mean aliens put us here just whatever is out there put us here to change the course of the earth.
The Anasazi believe they lived near a portal that could be used to ascend to a different dimension. What is that dimension I do not know, but it is another level of being. Instead of just leaving people behind like the Christian belief that only good Christians will go to heaven I believe if we can open this portal Using Spiritual energy then we can ascend together to a New Age of Man a enlighten age. I think if we can get a world wide event to direct their energy towards these ruins the portal will open. Instead of leaving everyone behind I rather bring everyone with us to a ascended level of being. I think the tools that I have given on the blog are the key to understanding how to channel the dream energy into the physical vessel of the Crystals. The Crystals itself are a storage device that allow us to direct the energy from the Elements and the Dream realm. That is my experiment to teach people to channel energy and try to open a portal.
Kind of better then believing in 2012 the world will end lets see if we can use the stars alignment to open that portal the Anasazi ruins in Colorado.
(452 posts)I broke the post up into two parts one about what the belief is and the other about me since you asked if it was my blog yes. I was half awake and half asleep from pain last night. I live with pain now because of a injury that I have. I do believe my Soul is special. I believe the stars are calling me back home to Colorado. I do not know if it is because of a past life experience or something, but events that have taken place in my life are directing me to Colorado I can not control what is happening.
Now let me start. I get visions of the future every now and then. I can't control those visions. I do not claim those visions make me a prophet. When I was a child I knew something was going to happen when I was 18 I didn't know what, but i knew it would happen. I meet my uncle who became my mentor in life. It has come now that I live with my uncle trying to take care of him even though we are not blood related. I knew something was going to happen to me when I was 30 I just did not know what. I became disable when I was 30 due to a injury. That injury set forth a move to Colorado.
Something is calling me to the Anasazi and I think something is waiting for me. I also had a vision when I was younger of people in the desert. I was given two names The Ancient One and Observer of Life. I think my own awakening is near. So yes I do believe I am a child of the Stars if you believe the Stars to be God, Allah, Spirits, or whatever I do not clam to know. To non believers I am just a scifi fiction writer expressing my talents to create a interesting tale linking the Anasazi to 2012 and bringing in a new age instead of the end of the world. It's a exercise of my writing skills.
To a believer I ask you a simple question is it anymore crazy to believe I am being guided by something a force compared to those who are preparing for the end of the world? Look at it this way either a new religion maybe born or we are going to have one heck of a 2012 party with a core belief that we are directing good well energy into the world to make a better and peaceful place. All I am doing is giving the tools for people to awaken their mind. If you want to believe me try it nothing will hurt you just be prepared to go on a interesting journey.
(15,888 posts)This is a very interesting story you have. As we all know here that sifi has produced one of the modern religions with an almost cultist attitude and is doing quite well, even though it all got started from fictitious novels. Are you familiar with some of the other accession sites? What do you see as the fourth dimension? The fifth dimension? What has caused you to become disabled and in pain at such a young age? Anyway, I have to get going as I works nights at a nursing home. Meanwhile take care.
(452 posts)I had a on the job injury. Because my company opted out of state workmens comp every time they denied me right when a MRI was needed to help prove what was wrong with my tailbone.
As for scifi starting a religion yes I am aware. I am actually working on a ebook of this as we speak. I have posted the information on the blog to share, but it's also therapy as well to get my mind off the pain. I've gone back to my New Age philosphy and as I was working on Crystals it all started to come together. The Missing Link to me was the Anasazi Indian. I read about their desire to ascend and believing that they were near the portal. With moving to Colorado I figure what the heck. I'll give my mind a go at the collection of information I have and write something. My book I am working on right now is called Portal to Ascension.
My Aunt who is more close to the Wiccan and Indian guides has been training me to be a dream medium. She's given me a open mind so that I can use that to help myself. If I started a Religion I wanted it to be one of peace and good will to the world. I believe right now we need good thoughts to help calm the planet and heal the violence that is going on. I'm just posting tools and ways to do it. My Book is turning more into something of a Occult Guild book like how learning to Lucid dream.
The Crystals were originally only a tool to help people get lucid. Then I started to experiment around with rituals of chants to give me more power in the dream realm. I also use the Crystals as a tool to meditate. From there I started to figure out how the physical elements and nature works. That is when I started to Observe the flow of life and put myself in a outside view.
I figure one of two things will happen either this book and blog will create a world wide event sending positive energy back into our mother earth causing no harm at all or who knows it might what helps us all move into the next Age of Man with the alignment of the stars. Either way we will all have a Journey together.
(15,888 posts)It all brings to mind more questions: Do you have within you Native American ancestry? In my family there are Cherokee that have gone off the trail Of Tears and have wound up in Ohio. I'm still trying to see how the crystals you use are for dreaming. What is it you see as lucid dreaming? I dream of many things and a lot of the time I can see that my mind is joking around with me. Since I work in a nursing home, there are times when somebody who has recently died would invade my dreams as a hant. To this I will rub salt water into the nape of my neck and surround my bed with a ring (of salt). Then I can sleep. There are times in my dreams, when I am not being bothered by hants, that I can see far. I don't necessarily have to be asleep per say, but I can 'see'. When doing this this I can hear that old teachers of my craft from many years ago talking to me. So you see my curiosity in lucid dreaming.
(452 posts)I've updated my blog on lucid dreaming. I also added more info into the Charka System if you go to the channeling tabs. Those are the areas i was focusing on today. My Magick System is about channeling energy and storing energy. The Crystals are important because they are storage vessels for that energy on a physical plane and dream plane that can be taken into the astral plane as well. I have created a unlimited power source for Magick.
Now as for me being possibly Native American I do not know all I know is I'm all American Mutt. I have a little of this and a little of that. I do know there is a legend within the Spurlock family of a member of our tree marrying a Indian Princess. Somehow my family has a conspiracy on that part. I come from that line so I have no proof if it is true or not.
Back to the Crystals my first advise for people are to select Crystals that represent the Elements. I have then REINFORCED the Crystals into the Charka system using those Elements. I'm in the process of creating Rituals for each Elements using the Four Corner Ritual as opening and closing of the Rituals. Each Ritual will involve some part of the Elements in order to summon them into the physical realm to store energy into the Crystals related to the elements. The Crystals are a way to force a Lucid dream by bringing them into the dream and knowing that you are dreaming. Once you see the Crystals in the dream you will know you can control the dream through the Crystals.
The Crystals in the dream have another function you can channel energy from the Dream realm into the physical realm by sleeping with your Crystals safely under your pillow. Think of it this way on the dream realm first stage is to become aware you are dreaming. Second stage is to take your Rituals of Summoning Elements into the Dream realm to communicate with them on a FACE to FACE level. The next stage is to leave the dream realm to the Astral realm channeling more energy as you go up the higher planes of the Astral. The next stage is to return to the physical realm using the higher realms to make contact with the Spirit realm itself. We are going to break through the realms with a control device then send back energy from all of those levels hoping to make contact with the Spirits of the Anasazi throughout our search.
This storage and recombining of energy will then grow as a level to be directed towards all the places that the Anasazi settled on earth that we have ruins in the US. Find a ruin and then redirect that energy so that we convert that energy into one traveling point and merge that energy into one focus point. Lets use the Anasazi runes to create a physical FOUR CORNER circle. Then ascend ourselves to a higher level in one giant ritual that will happen. I'm trying to create a four Corner Ritual on the likes that the earth has never seen before.
(452 posts)So far I have completed the Air Ritual and the Water Ritual. These are physical Rituals that help cleanse the mind and body so that we can take steps to prepare ourselves to ascend to the next level. The Water Ritual is to help heal past wound and the Air is to help free our mind. Fire is to focus our mind and Earth will be to commune with the Great Mother earth who guides us. These Rituals are only there to help free you and help you on your way to ascension. I'm trying to write down everything as it comes to me.
After I get the physical Rituals down I'll focus more on the Lucid Dreaming Rituals. Like the Physical energy channeling the dream realm is a important part of channeling energy. I will be able to go into greater detail on Rituals with the Lucid Dream stage because that is the main focus of our Spiritual awakening because once you are lucid you can actually learn from the REAL ELEMENTS. In the dream realm the Elements are as real as we are in the physical realm. They can teach us in the dream realm things we can not understand in the physical realm because we can interact with them on a much greater level of understanding.