You Have Chosen To Remember
Imagine a God of love, of only love, and all of us being an extension and of this God. Imagine if this love is all that we are and thus communicated with each other through different expressions of this love. How would it come across? Imagine if its positive expression was the act or sharing of love, and the negative expression was the call or search for this love. Thus, any time we reacted negatively, be it through expressions of judgment, criticism, hate, malice or fear all we were really doing was asking, calling, or searching for love in the best way we knew how.
Begin this thanksgiving week by consciously choosing to be an extension and expression of this love in the best way you know how. In your most challenging moments, consciously choose to return to your truth within. Today when the ego insists you judge, criticize, hate, or fear your brother or sister, instead return to your understanding that what they are truly doing is asking/calling or searching for love in the best way they currently know how. Today give thanks by becoming an example to them of the truth within us all.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of You Have Chosen to Remember
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