Upcoming Webinar on "Understanding Virgo" 10/21
It's hard work being a Virgo. That's the way they want it. Or, is it? Virgo's charge is to FIX
everything that is broken; and they're very good at it. Of course, if you look closely enough,
you'll always find something "wrong." Because of this single trait, it makes it very hard for
the zodiac's Virgin to flow with life. What's really unsettling is the fact that this archetype
is very fluid and wants nothing more than to flow with the Universe's Plan.
In this webinar, "Understanding Virgo," we will explore the trick to balancing Virgo's need to
stay productive while at the same time "letting things be as they are." Not easy. Just how do
we get Virgo to get out of their own way? What does it take for them to stop being so self-
We will discuss the very essence of this very underrated sign and leave plenty of time for
questions and answers.
Join us Tuesday night, October 21, 8:45pm to 10:15pm Eastern on Starself's webinar with Rick DiClemente.
The cost is $19.99. There is a 50-seat limit. This fee also gives you access to the recorded
session whether you attend or not. Hope to see you there!
To register: http://www.instantpresenter.com/PIID=ED54D7848548