If you read Joseph Tittel's predictions...
His New Year's Day broadcast is up, and you can also read part of the first set of transcriptions here:
NOTE: His last broadcast autoplays when you load the site, so you may need to turn down your sound if you don't want to hear the broadcast. I think the player is on the right side of the page and can also be turned off there. He does weekly live shows with callers on Tuesdays, and after tonight's show, the New Years Day playback will be replaced. I think the guest tonight is a numerologist.
(29,135 posts)I was severely mocked on DU2 for admitting that I like Joseph Tittel. I know he's not everyone's cup of tea, but I still think he's worth listening to.
(31,170 posts)I watched the Americas Psychic competition show a few years back and found Tittel and Whitedove there. He's got a pretty good track record, so I still pay attention.
The women in my family all have psychic tendencies. I've never tried to develop mine, so I have no control over it. When I get something, it's usually spot on, so I know people can have the ability...
Rainbow Sunrise
(39 posts)is exactly how I feel things are and will be. Reading that also reminded me of a dream I had about a year ago. I dreamed I was back in NYC and I was walking down a street as people were franticly going here and there. I was a little annoyed with it and said " Everything is going to be alright." Then I woke up...hmmm...interesting.
(31,170 posts)about now being the time for spiritual expansion, and I wasn't at all surprised to hear it. I listened to the whole broadcast while I was playing majong on my computer. It was interesting all the way through.
Interesting dream you had! Mine have become really vivid and detailed lately, which is odd because the pain meds I am on make me a bit scattered and lacking concentration when I am awake. It's like my guidance has shifted gears and is coming in a new way now.
(29,135 posts)(Well, the ones I found interesting and/or credible, that is)
Lots more extreme weather; high temperatures, major flooding. For those in the Midwestern United States, more cyclones and wind issues.
A possible repeat of the Japan Fukishima situation (with another tsunami, another power plant.)
Problems in Alaska; possibly with the government, possibly environmental (as in, an oil spill.)
Several countries switching out their money for new currency (not abandoning money, just coming up with new kinds of it (with new names for the money.)
Major upheaval in China, (politcal, social) possibly angering its neighbors.
Issues with Iran, including a possible nuclear detonation. Same in Pakistan.
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)VERY powerful.
I so hope this is true:
Those who have been taking advantage of the people and destroying of environment by not being earth conscious will fall hard in 2012. So many major companies and people will fall hard in 2012 all because of their long overdue karma for how badly they have treated others and our mother earth. Big companies and their executives along with many others will all fall hard.
Not because I want to see people harmed or brought down, but because I'm so tired of the destruction, the lies, the oppression, the greed, the everything. I so want it to end.
I really appreciated the step-by-step advice for the year, esp. the first several months. REALLY need to do that, altho it's interesting because I was already involved in trying to take an objective look at my life. Maybe I'm not so far off the track as I sometimes feel (or fear).
Rainbow Sunrise
(39 posts)as you did. I only read the front page so far and it really resonated with me. The parts you mentioned and that there wouldn't be any huge catastrophes. But, there will be some rough situation and people who are negative or do bad things to others and the earth will have a hard time but those that are not will be just fine.
Also, he said many crazy things will happen that we have never seen before and that they weren't going to all be negative (paraphrasing). This I've been feeling strongly for a while. I believe that there will be a 9/11 type event of some kind that will be powerfully positive. Shock and Awe! Nothing will be the same after. We will see ourselves and the world completely different after it. The opposite effect that 9/11 had, therefore, more powerful. Because, I believe we have been so conditioned to believe in and expect the most awful things imaginable from our experiences, the media and what we are given for entertainment since 9/11 that seeing and experiencing something so awe inspiringly wonderful will blow our minds. So much so that some may react in fear because of conditioning of expecting the only worst. This is what I have been feeling for a while is coming soon. Maybe it will actually be this year since I am hearing about more people seeing similar things now. I guess we'll see soon enough. I'll be staying tuned. :-D
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)strikes ME as alien contact. I mean that would cover it, both the shock and the awe, and the positivism (once people got it in their heads it wasn't an invasion and they weren't going to kill us all, or enslave us).
Had you thought of that as a possibility at all? What fun that would be!
Rainbow Sunrise
(39 posts)definitely. There has been a heightened amount of chatter about that in the last 2 years. There's been talk for way longer than that but in the last 2 years I've notice lot more about the cover ups that have been going on and of it all coming to light soon. Even recently in a thread I wish I could remember there was a link to an audio interview of a guy who studied patterns or something similar. He said he noticed the Vatican had changed their stance on UFO's and disclosure. He said thats something they wouldn't do-change their official views and most definitely not about alien disclosure unless they knew something we didn't and possibly wanting to change their image of always being behind the times maybe wanting to be at forefront of whatever was coming. He felt from is observations something big was coming soon and even sounded a little shaken by what he was noticing.
But, not just that, I've also noticed a lot of talk about parallel universes and timeline jumping. Maybe there will be more proof of this and people saying and maybe proving they have experienced this. Or, some other happening we arent expecting that we have relegated to a sifi or fantasy movie we've seen or, maybe all of the above. Now that would surely blow everyones mind. Who knows...I guess well see. But, I do believe that something is coming at some point soon that will change the way we see ourselves and existence itself and not just for the Bible thumper but for all of us.
I know. I can get long winded but we do live in interesting times. :-D