Days until January 20
Last edited Tue Jan 19, 2021, 02:28 AM - Edit history (74)
Counting today there are 1 days until January 20, 2021.
Not counting January 20.

(64,190 posts)Can we just fast forward?
(979 posts)will put those days to good use in preparing for a fast beginning of our rebuilding.
(64,190 posts)And we have 2 senate runoffs in GA 1/5 to keep us occupied, too.
Joe & Kamala are announcing their covid team on Monday! Scientists! Experts! 😱
I really wish an intel agency could yank chump & coconspirators off the stage immediately.
(308,426 posts)It may be silly but do you see any possibility of the SCOTUS interfering with this because trump clams "Voter Fraud"?
I told a friend this morning that I was celebrating online.. and he said because of the election?.. he said don't celebrate too soon.. this is going to the Supreme Court.
I said "No it's not.. trump is liar.. there is no voter fraud!" And, hung up on him. Maybe not a friend anymore. But evidently that's what his fans are counting on.
I am no attorney so this is no more than my layman's thoughts in response to your question. Astrology cannot definitively answer it.
Because someone makes a claim is no reason for the Supreme Court to take any action. The claim must be accompanied by a substantially believable account of such fraud, probably including a believable indication that the alleged fraud might have affected the outcome of the election.
(308,426 posts)reply. That's right.. I read something like that earlier before the election was called for Biden.
Just because trump says so is no basis for fraud. And, there is no proof even if he tries to manufacture dirt like he got impeached for last year.
(64,190 posts)I'm certainly not an astrologer, but have read numerous posts & articles saying SCOTUS will not touch this for a couple of reasons:
1. Voting is a matter of state laws; &
2. Roberts is very concerned with his legacy.
I hope that helps.
(308,426 posts)the same and it was comforting.
I even ask because the person who said that sounded super convinced it was going there.
It was all a mixture of deep disappointment that he would say that on such a glorious victory day & that he hadn't learned one thing about trump in 4 years.
We never talked politics until today.. I guess it finally had to get out in the open though.. no matter how much I had previously avoided the big bloated elephant in the room!
Mahalo for listening to my rant!
(64,190 posts)Very sad how many otherwise nice peoole are so brainwashed. Seems a lot of folks got passed over for the gift of discernment. Honestly, I've never considered it a gift, rather just common sense.
I don't get it personally.
(308,426 posts)of someone like Ben Carson.. gifted doctor but doesn't have common sense or any ethical responsibility in other areas of his life.
And, oh yeah.. we're in the astrology forum.. I can tell you what I really think.. they have Planets & Stars that are harmonious in some areas.. & in other houses they have say.. Saturn & Pluto blocking them with squares and bad aspects.
I know that's over simplification but that's all I got. lol
(64,190 posts)Interesting!
Well, at least you found out, sad as it may be.
(308,426 posts)been thinking in terms of astrology & life on Earth since 1981. My mind just goes there.
It's been very own psychologist.
(64,190 posts)And read at, but I could never do charts & such.
Above site is Liz Greene's. She is a Jungian analyst & cocreator of Mythic Tarot deck, my personal fav. Based on mythology.
Loads of free info there! Personal daily report, etc.
(308,426 posts)people are geniuses!
Thanks for the sites' Recs..
I go to astrodienst, too.. haven't been there lately 'cause I haven't done much except be here during this MercRX which is now done until the next time!
They give you a free 6 six month chart.. I should see what's been happening on the Celestial plane.
(64,190 posts)But then someone has to interpret it lol
Too many confounding variables for my brain.
I just look at the generalities.
They are, indeed genii! Looking at Bob.
Have you found a really good site for political predictions?
Really curious about likelihood of 2 GA senate runoffs in January & MM's downfall. I detest him as much as chump!
(308,426 posts)otherwise I would never know what's going on.
It's under "Short Forecasts" which is 6 months & you can always get it updated.
It's amazing!
Nancy Starlight is a good political site..
Yeah, it would be Brilliant if mitch were demoted by Georgia!!!!!
(64,190 posts)I hope by indictment, but I also want majority!
I'vd read short forecast, but it only covers a few long-term aspects. It is a great weather forecast, though.
Ty for the political site!