Question about Birth Date significance & purpose, etc
Last edited Sun Dec 31, 2023, 06:16 PM - Edit history (1)
This is kind of a long story, abut there a question related at the end!
So, I'm a New Year's Baby.
Not just that I was born on New Years Day, but like, 15-SECONDS after Midnight kind of New Year's Baby...Got my name in the newspaper, mom got diaper service for a month and roses, kind of birthday.
See, on new year's eve 1969, my mom and dad were getting ready to go out as I wasn't DUE for 10 days. Mom's water broke @ 6pm, and that was it. When they got to the hospital, the Dr. (who knew my family and had delivered my sister) asked my DAD (because, you know, why ask the WOMAN?) "Do you want a New Year's Baby or a tax deduction?"
My Dad said of course whatever's best for the baby and mom, but a New Year's baby would be fun! Meanwhile mom's screaming on the gurney. ALL the hospitals in the Bay Area had a running bet between them too, so it became a bit of a frenzy! Dad said the nurses were all excited etc. Mom said they held her knees together till midnight...and then I was HERE! 😉 Through my ENTIRE life, my mom would call me NYE and remind me I "ruined her New Year" jokingly. (she passed 2022, I'm still not ok)
So I've played with my natal chart plenty over the years.
But I wanted to delve into more of WHY my soul decided to have such a "big deal" birthday? Like, it's fun to brag about and a great story, but is there significance to the time/date outside of astrology? Am I born on some kind of cosmic cusp? should I be doing something more in "life" because I have a special Bday? It's not necessarliy abt numerology either. just the significance of being "first" ...?

(30,692 posts)it sort of messed with her head.
(138,720 posts)lapfog_1
(30,692 posts)One birthday every 4 years
(14,708 posts)But it would definitely mess with your "math" lol
(30,692 posts)she would tease me about being a child molester.
probably not so acceptable to throw around these days, even as a private joke.
(8,236 posts)and simply joked about how young he was!
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)Maybe that is all. Maybe not.
But isn't it nice that your birth had so much significance to your parents that they held the details about so dearly and retold it to you?
Not all of us had parents who recall details of our birth with fondness.
(14,708 posts)Even in memory care before he passed, he only remembered a couple stories and I was one of them. He'd introduce me to the staff as his New Year's Baby My mom wrote the whole thnig in my baby book and saved the newspaper clipping,
But don't think it was all them...I've capitalized off it my whole life too, LoL
I had show & tell fodder for years!
In my 20s I'd go out NYE and flirt with the bartenders about it being my bday and get free drinks, sometime around 30 that dried up
I've definitely had fun telling the story to random peoplle (esp in dr offices when they comment on it lol)
The Blue Flower
(5,761 posts)I knew a woman who had her legs held together to wait for the doc to arrive. It caused brain damage to the child. Cerebral palsy.
(14,708 posts)I just blamed it on my claustrophobia... :yikes:
(28,713 posts)whose sister had the same thing happen, for the same reason (waiting for the doc) and her little girl was brain damaged as a result.
(12,189 posts)That's very sad.
(8,236 posts)it's always about what YOU do with what was "given" to you (by the metaphorical implications of what's within the chart.) Remember, some are leaders, some are team players, some are loners. We each get to choose the life we want to lead. (I feel sorry for your mother, 'though!) And: Many Happy Returns!
(14,708 posts)I'm seeng some of my natal chart's 'predictions' for my older years coming true for sure...
(8,236 posts)The chart predicts nothing -- as the wonderful Nick Campion once wrote: as far as we've come as astrologers, we really can't predict anything; the best we can say is: (e.g.) either your pipes will burst or you're going to have a nervous breakdown.
If you read Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda, he wrote that his astrology chart said he would have (something like) 4 opportunities for marriage. As each opportunity came along, he turned them down.
Robert Hand often told the story of the Renaissance era astrologer to a court in Italy, which was at war with the Vatican and it was known that a confrontation was imminent. The Duke asked the astrologer what would happen. The astrologer replied, "Oh, the Vatican army will come in and occupy your town." The Duke was appalled at this bad news, but the astrologer replied: "Since we know that, what your strategy should be is: Leave the gates open, evacuate the town, leave lots of wine. After the Vatican soldiers come in and get drunk, slaughter them."
(14,708 posts)but yes, I agree it's up to us what we do with it.
and I love that anecdote about the vatican!
(54 posts)Hi FirstLight,
What a fun story. To answer your question, if I understand your birth story correctly, you were born close to San Francisco at 12 AM (and ten seconds) on Jan 1, 1970 -- correct?
Looking at that chart, it's screamingly obvious that there was something prominently disruptive about your birth, with an unconventional aura of affectionate status conveyed. Another pattern suggests that you arrived at a moment of crisis between your parents, reflected by the fact that your Dad thought it would be fun to delay your birth until after midnight -- without consulting your mother!
Even more intriguing: if I've used accurate birth data, you're asking this question in the aftermath of a Full Moon that fell on the ruler of your Ascendant (how you need to be seen), as well as the MC/IC axis (which refers to public status and family of origin). How many years have you been in this group...and you're only telling us this story NOW? Why NOW?
The astro-logic is clear. Astrology is amazing.
As for what the surprise element of your birth suggests in terms of your soul purpose, I'd argue that you have the potential to be quite the maverick in this lifetime. It's up to you to choose how you wish to apply that potential.
P.S. In this chart, we also see the ruler of the Ascendant prominently configured with the Part of Fortune -- literally, LUCK.
(14,708 posts)yes, in Oakland, CA 12:00:15
Mom and dad tried to get pregnant with me for 3 years, but dad was building our house so they think his sperm was low...also, they thought I was going to be a boy (wanted a boy) so they had a boy's name picked out in advance, but MY name not until they were in the CAR on the way to the Hospital!
Mom & Dad had a typical older generation marriage, ups and downs, but still loved eachother and stayed together 60 years! (Mom died 5/22/22 and Dad followed 5/21/23)
I guess I'm telling you all this now cuz they recently both passed and I'm struggling to find my place & purpose.
I'm thinking of going back to school, because somehow I never feel like I'm "qualified" to know or have the wisdom/knowledge I have. I have a book started, but feel loike I can't finish it because I dont have the "permission"...It's about Indigesious Religions and I'm too white to share what I have learned... I feel like I'm appropriating or something. SO if I have a degree, I'll be legit to write. (I think that feeling of never being qualified even thoughI know stuff is chart-linked)
I appreciate your insight. let me know if this helps!
(54 posts)...all of which reflect the potential of the horoscope
I'm glad my observations resonate with your experience. This is how I make my living, and I studied with the very's no shame on your part from not seeing what I see.
I'm not surprised by your current aspirations, and I'm delighted your partner is letting you know how much you are loved.
(14,708 posts)my partner took what I said abt the overlapping of Christmas/Birthday to heart and has made this a whole WEEKEND of birthday fun...
She got breakfast from my fave places two mornings in a row, and she's taking me out for sushi tomorrow night, i get to open presents anytime, they're all under the tree lol.. and she's getting me all the things I wouldnt get myself, like new shoes, socks, a cute candle etc
I'm blessed to be loved, that's all anyone could want.
I pray for more LOVE in everyone's life this cooming year!
(308,408 posts)First Thing Light 🕊️💙🌊💝