Going to the Unity this morning with my WIFE! ;)
My long-time mentor/elder is speaking and having a Solstice Drum Circle afterwards. I haven't been to Unity or anything in years and neither has my wife after leaving a christian cult in the south... so she's a little nervous.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to visiting this little community again...many of the folks there are ones I've seen or worked with in meditation classes over the years here in our little town. And now I can introduce my wife!
It's been a journey for us and this is where we are feeling strong in our own relationship to really start branching out into more community-based things. I hope that maybe today is an opening of possibilities for us both in that realm of spirit and healing ~ A-Ho! ~
(https://unityatthelake.org/) It's a pretty cute little "church" in an office building! lol

(18,368 posts)moonbeam23
(376 posts)Happy to see your life has turned around...Blessings to you both!
(14,708 posts)Rev. Lucie King, LCSW is my teacher and mentor and chosen family
She was the guest today and I've worked with her since '97 so I was happy to show up annd support her
It was a small showing for the little group, but much Spirit and Love and Laughter shared. Lucie basically channels her talk, and it was really moving. They did the whole thing on Zoom, so the recording should be on the website above
I'm encouraging you to listen because her talk is religious but not about Religion. The topic is Divine Masculine (Solstice themed) and I was really surprised by the direction she took, but it really hit my heart center. She spoke about the balance, or the need for us to balance and acknowledge both Divine Fem and Masc in order to have our purpose revealed and walk our talk. That we have our own innate piece to offer, but we have to balance our energies in order to take action.
Really profound and I thought I'd share
It was also fun to see a few old faces and introduce my WIFE and see the shock wash over them...seeing me radiating joy and love, at peace, sober, and re-married! heehee