French statesman on the path to Sainthood.
An architect of European unity moves ahead on sainthood path
June 19, 2021
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Robert Schuman, a French statesman who paved the way for the bloc that eventually evolved into European Union, has moved ahead on the Catholic church’s path toward possible sainthood.
The Vatican said Pope Francis on Saturday approved a decree declaring the “heroic virtues? of Schuman, a former prime minister, finance minister and foreign minister for France after World War II. In 1950, as foreign minister, he developed a plan to promote European economic unity in hopes of furthering peace.
Schuman died in 1963 after serving as the first president of the forerunner of the European Parliament.
The pope’s decision means Schuman can be called ”venerable” by the Catholic faithful. It is one of several steps in a usually long process that can result in sainthood.
The European Commission website describes Schuman as “one of the founding fathers of European unity,? hailing him as ”the architect of the project of European integration.”
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