Double Meteor Shower Raises Expectations of Stunning Fireball Display
30 July 2024

(Xiong Yi/Getty Images)
Two meteor showers the Southern Delta Aquariids and Alpha Capricornids are scheduled to peak around the same time Tuesday evening. And one is known for its spectacularly bright fireballs.
The best time to see any meteor shower including this double event is between 2 am and 4 am local time, Nick Moskovitz, a planetary astronomer at Lowell Observatory in Arizona, told Business Insider.
People in the Southern Hemisphere are in for a better show, but folks in the Northern Hemisphere can still enjoy the shower if they know where to look, Moskovitz said.
Where to see this week's double meteor shower in the US
If you're in the US, Moskovitz recommends finding a place where you have a clear view of the southern horizon and are as far away as possible from any light pollution.