Ancient Peruvian Civilization More Complex than Previously Thought
Washington, May 26 (Prensa Latina) A civilization that flourished in Peru 15,000 years ago was much more advanced than originally thought and had complex social networks with bureaucracy and religion, the Florida Atlantic University reported today.
This is revealed by the detailed research of hundreds of thousands of artifacts, including hand-woven baskets unearthed from 2007 through 2013 at theHuaca Prieta ruins, located on the Peruvian coasts.
Archaeologist James Adovasio from Florida Atlantic University led the team of scientists who made the revolutionary discovery in Huaca Prieta, ruin that is homing one of the earliest and largest pyramids in South America.
For decades, archaeologists exploring Peru have debated on the origins and rising of a complex society in Peru. Did it happen first in the highlands with some groups depending on agriculture, or did it happen along the coast with groups depending on fishing?