Archaeological dig at Cardiff's Trelai Park in Ely for Iron Age settlement
2nd July

An archaeological dig is planned at Trelai Park, Caerau. (Picture: Cardiff Unversity)
By Rebecca Wilks
An Cardiff archaeological dig is hoping to uncover the remains of a 2,000 year old Iron Age settlement.
The dig, at Caerau's Trelai Park, will be carried out by the Caerau and Ely Rediscovering (CAER) Heritage Project, a partnership between Cardiff University, community group Action in Caerau and Ely (ACE), local schools, residents and others.
Trelai Park is located just half a mile from Caerau Hillfort, a significant national heritage site where archaeologists and locals have previously discovered artefacts of Neolithic, Iron Age, Roman and medieval origins.
After a challenging two years during the pandemic, we are excited to be back out conducting an archaeological dig at Trelai Park, an area steeped in history, even though its perhaps more well-known nowadays as a green space popular with sports clubs, dog walkers and families," said Dr Oliver Davis, CAER Heritage Project Co-director at Cardiff University.