Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumI am too logical to understand Christians.
They pray to God for something. God doesn't answer their prayer. They blame Satan. But God is supposed to be ALL POWERFUL. It's not logical or sensical at all.

(318 posts)Glorfindel
(10,074 posts)It's just that sometimes the answer is, "No" or "wait a while."
gay texan
(2,952 posts)the struggle is real my dear ferret
(4,838 posts)If god is all knowing and all powerful, then the things that happen are what god wants/intends to happen so I really don't understand the praying 'for' something,,,,
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)
(23,942 posts)literally. Also, Orthodoxy can't make any sense of the truths hidden in the parables because their meanings don't conform to dogma. In the parables, we find that the ultimate Source does NOT intervene in earthly affairs. Our souls act as God's agents. We can ask the God System to strengthen our souls, but not to do our jobs !!!
(3,201 posts)Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)spike jones
(1,836 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)PJMcK
(23,360 posts)
then why did it create humans with a built-in flaw? Shouldnt it have known?
Religions fall apart as soon as you use a critical and logical viewpoint. Then you see the inanity
(6,675 posts)if God is all powerful why do you TELL him what to do? why don't you ASK him??
Midnight Writer
(23,491 posts)We tortured and killed Him.
And that's how we were forgiven for our sins.
What is not logical about that?
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)
Proud to be Woke
(59 posts)When I was a kid, I sometimes went to church; a few months after my mom died from a terminal disease my older sister was talking to Dad and I about the heart transplant that Dr. Christian Barnard over in South Africa had just successfully performed, and what happened to the soul in such a case.. isn't the soul in the heart? My dad sat us two (12 and up and old enough to comprehend a lot of this), and explained in logical and historical based terms the origins of Christianity and a lot of other religions also. He was not a church goer the way mom was, and he was kind of an agnostic, he believed that God was possible and maybe probable but God was not necessarily tied in with Christianity! He also explained that the soul is not in the heart.
My father and I would have some interesting discussions in the years that followed. He explained that Christ was a religious reformer who wanted the animal sacrifices to stop, and for his trouble he had a conflict with the Hebrew establishment that led ultimately to them not taking his side to save him from being killed by the Romans. Of course, ultimately the Christians and the Jews stopped sacrificing animals by killing and then burning them. It dawned on me many years later that the expression "lamb of God" meant Jesus was the new sacrificial lamb. I don't personally understand why sacrifice is such a vital part of Christianity in our modern times because modern Christians do not burn animals on altars and neither do Jews. It just is not something that we grow up with. But the archaic notion that someone must sacrifice something in that religion persists.
Midnight Writer
(23,491 posts)and the wine becomes the Blood of Christ.
Which we eat in a regular ceremony to gain favor with God.
(113,131 posts)My problem is a fully functional bullshit detector. Even when I was a kid, the crap I heard in Catholic school pinned it.
Of course, I am also logical, the A in symbolic logic (heavy on the Lewis Carroll) proves it. Still, the bullshit detector prevents me from being religious. I just can't do it.
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)