Oh dear! I've jumped into it.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/10141512738Comments welcome. I decided that a basic science approach might be appropriate.
I particularly like my You are Frankenfood argument. (Response #24)

(29,047 posts)The organic industry has put out so much misinformation so people will actually buy their crap. In my opinion, they are one of the more unethical industries, but they're not the worst.
They're smart though. They sell an identity. They invented an evil and sell a way to fight it. They appeal to easy emotions instead of hard science. They replace facts with conspiracy theories, and people just eat them up (pun intended).
(40,416 posts)
(17,505 posts)The "Organic" label is for yuppies who can afford the overpriced stuff, and who worry about what's in their cob salad, but not what's in their Starbuck's frothy caramel latte.
ALL food is organic...unless you are eating plastic grapes (and even then....) Organic simply means derived from living matter.
(113,131 posts)that the corporate news won't tell them are just plain sad. I keep trying to remember that they're Democrats, just disinformed ones, and try not to bite along with my bark.
(35,773 posts)Yikes.
(45 posts)Excuse me, I was looking for the thread where all the industry flacks go to congratulate themselves on fucking up yet another conversation about GMO foods. Couldn't be this one, clearly. Must be around here somewhere. Damn my terrible sense of direction.
(47,038 posts)They are a multi-billion dollar industry, contrary to the "hippie farmer" propaganda.
They are deceptive, alarmist, prone to making unsupported charges, all to continue their large profits.
So don't give us this "industry flacks" bullshit, that is pushed by Maharishi Yogi "college" people like Jeffrey Smith or his new main supporter, Jane Goodall.
(4,261 posts)Thankyou for clearing up my confusion... The farce is strong in that one.