Apparently it's ok to push woo as a "cure" or "preventative" for the coronavirus if...
...If the one doing the pushing is a liberal.
I see this far too often among liberals, including Robert Kennedy Jr, a "liberal stalwart" who is viciously anti-vaccination.
Wayne Allen Root and Jim Bakker are condemned for selling their "cure all sliver solution," but the supplement snake oil sellers can make all the claims they want about worthless "herbal treatments" and that's ok in some liberal circles.
From the original web site of this "herbalist" group:
"Vitalism in healing is a clinical strategy based on the principle that Life, Nature, and the Great Spirit from which they arise are fully present in all the tissues of the body, and also in the psyche, the spiritual heart, and the soul, sustaining life and health, providing inspiration and momentum for personal evolution on all levels, and for the fulfillment of the highest purpose in social and spiritual life."

The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,538 posts)There's also a lot of nonsense floating around about eating garlic. It might ward off vampires but WHO says it won't prevent you from getting the virus or cure you if you do.
(47,038 posts)Got 3 e-mails talking up what "miracles" eating a lot of garlic will do.
I couldn't help but laugh, "Yeah, it'll keep everyone more than 10 feet away!"
But the supplement pushers are going at it full blast, making worthless claims about their vitamin concoctions and silver drinks will "cure" or "prevent" coronavirus.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,538 posts)because people might assume you can't breathe because of the virus and will avoid you.
(20,080 posts)LeftishBrit
(41,318 posts)NNadir
(35,282 posts)Thanks for the overview including Kennedy.
(51,078 posts)That's the kind of stuff I see people mock on facebook. It doesn't belong here.
(8,655 posts)I struggle to understand why it's still here. At. All.