Tim Johnson honored at McGovern Day celebration for his many accomplishments, not his words
Tim Johnson was never known for his speeches.
It’s something worth remembering when Johnson makes one of his rare public appearances, as he did Friday night at the McGovern Day celebration at Great Bear Ski Valley.
He uses a motorized wheelchair now, and his speech is limited by the brain bleed he suffered in late 2006. While he chatted with friends and admirers (as seen above in a photo by Tom Lawrence) at a social gathering before the ceremony, he only spoke a few words after receiving a lifetime achievement award.
I interviewed him after the event — with Johnson noting he has known me “forever” — and he offered some comments, but, again, the words came slowly and with some difficulty.
But he made it clear to me that he was most proud of delivering water and key infrastructure for all of South Dakota.
Read more: https://www.sdstandardnow.com/home/tim-johnson-honored-for-his-many-accomplishments-not-his-words