Noem Calls Special Session October 5 for Incumbents to Squabble over CARES Act Scraps
The Legislature’s public hearings on how we ought to spend our coronavirus relief dollars must have been pushing Senators to join their House colleagues in calling for a Special Session. Rather than letting the Legislature seize the initiative while she’s out campaigning cross-country with Pillow Guy, Governor Kristi Noem woke up from her Michigan jet lag and called for a Special Session on Tuesday, October 5:
The legislature will meet on Monday, October 5, 2020, with the purpose of considering legislation related to the use of federal stimulus relief funds, including the $1.25 billion allocated to South Dakota in Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF).
…Barring an extension, South Dakota has until December 30, 2020, to spend all CRF dollars. Some of the funds have already been allocated including $200 million for city and county government operations, more than $100 million for the Re-employment Insurance Fund, nearly $100 million for state public safety and public health officials, $75 million for K-12 schools, and more than $20 million for universities and technical colleges. Governor Noem also has proposed up to $400 million in small business grants and up to $100 million in grants to community-based healthcare providers [Office of the Governor, press release, 2020.09.21].
The Governor’s tally shows nearly $1 billion out of the $1.25 billion in CARES Act funds already allocated. Governor Noem has thus made sure the lioness’s share of that money goes to her priorities while leaving incumbent legislators just enough to dole out to their favored special interests before the election.
No word yet on whether the Legislature will convene safely and remotely, as most legislators did on our extended Veto Day on March 30, at the beginning of the pandemic.
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