2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumIs it acceptable to call Hillary Clinton a "bitch?"
There is disagreement in this forum on that question.
Maybe my preference for Senator Clinton has caused me to fall out of step with the larger community--I have an opinion on this but perhaps my opinion is a minority one with all of the new posters here.
So, what are the community standards? We should have clarity on this because there is obvious disagreement.
70 votes, 3 passes | Time left: Unlimited | |
It is sexist and has no place here, ever | |
59 (84%) |
Fine by me | |
8 (11%) |
Depends on whether her tone was inappropriate | |
3 (4%) |
3 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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Disclaimer: This is an Internet poll |

(169 posts)Is it sexist to call a man a Dick? I feel like it's just best to avoid divisive language when debating all together.
(17,644 posts)the other will get you a hide
I don't like Hillary but even I know better then to call her that here
snowy owl
(2,145 posts)FreakinDJ
(17,644 posts)mythology
(9,527 posts)I think in our societal context, bitch is a worse word. It's a word used to demean women but also men who don't act "manly" enough. I've never heard a woman called a dick to imply she's too "manly". Yes there are other words for that, but I think it shows that dick and bitch aren't equal as slurs.
That said, I think both should terms should be out of bounds here. Be more creative in one's insults, or keep the discussion more civil, even about people you don't like.
(11,862 posts)This is a sexist poll!
P.S. i am a Bernie supporter
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Of course you support Senator Sanders
(11,862 posts)I know what sexist is...when I was 14, I thought my mother should have to pay less rent, cause women got less pay!!!
Never thought she should get more pay..
Visit the 60's
I prefer Bernie...he was on my side even before I had a side.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)You have no opinion on whether it's acceptable for DUers to call Hillary Clinton that word?
(3,581 posts)Are you on a little witch/warlock hunt here. Nothing better to do?
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)juries let it go.
I am asking a question. If you are convinced of the righteousness of calling her a female dog, you should have no anger at others disagreeing with you.
(3,581 posts)that I'm not feeling angry. Haven't been here long enough for that, and now I'm off to work. I'll no doubt get angry there before the night is over. That sucks, but I know enough to not be surprised.
(20,317 posts)pejoratives in reference to Sanders-- a subject on which there also seems to be some 'disagreement'.
snowy owl
(2,145 posts)If the truth is unbecoming to a candidate, so be it. But pejoratives and ad hominems get boring, antagonistic and really, really old. And there are a lot of them on this site.
(2,052 posts)Tend to agree with the person in post 1
I call fellow women that word frequently. Some are my friends. And I'm not sexist against myself.
Time, place, context.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Would you answer differently if that word where directed at Jane Sanders or Elizabeth Warren?
(2,052 posts)I don't advocate serious personal attacks.
If Elizabeth Warren was being a bitch to someone and I saw footage of it, you call it what it is. We have no problem calling famous people a variety of names both men and women. Political figures are not above that. Was it sexist to call Bill Clinton and/or John Edwards pejorative terms? Context is everything.
As is with this whole campaign, it's not sexist or hate speech to call a spade a spade.
And for the record I have never called Sec Clinton that name before. I do not plan on calling her that name. I do not encourage others to call her that name.
I am speaking of the word in general.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Sounds like you're voting for option 3.
(2,052 posts)Will be when I head to the polls
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)You have no objection to people calling Hillary Clinton a "bitch" on a progressive website.
You and I have different values.
(2,052 posts)Troll away. Not getting into a war of words you will continue even if you lose.
Enjoy your night sir/madam.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)That was your answer to the question of whether it's acceptable to call Hillary Clinton the b-word.
Your meaning was crystal clear. You did a very good job of communicating it.
You and I just have different values.
Time, place, context.
I actually don't ever use in speaking to people I know.
But I do yell at a certain Democratic candidate when they are on TV debating Bernie and she keeps interrupting him. Or I might refer to someone as that in private when I am talking with my husband.
For me, it is not sexist. It just means this person is not currently on my short list of receiving the annual Christmas card.
(2,353 posts)Agnosticsherbet
(11,619 posts)geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)People are posting about how Clinton and her supporters are making false accusations of sexism.
That word is being used to describe Secretary Clinton, with the blessing of jury members.
(11,619 posts)Just because a jury blessed it, it doesn't make it correct.
(1,168 posts)morningfog
(18,115 posts)geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)frylock
(34,825 posts)Sheepshank
(12,504 posts)...I'd get a hide for saying stuff like that, sexist or not. You may not get a hide saying the same thing about Clinton, the juries tend to be 6:1 Bernie supporters.
(34,825 posts)I had a post hidden for calling Bill Clinton a dick. There's only one group that has plotted to alert swarm people here in hopes of getting them put in the penalty box, and it wasn't Bernie's supporters.
(12,504 posts)...until he was 40 and ran for public office. I didn't even get the liberty of calling him any names lol. Seems like the alert stalking happens.
You did of course read the other post that was left on HRC group by a Sanders Supporter and was left to stand?
(8,178 posts)Calling one of the candidates who happens to be woman a "bitch" is never acceptable.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)KingFlorez
(12,689 posts)But considering that she has the delegate lead and the popular vote lead, that automatically means it's okay to call her disrespectful names.
(13,877 posts)I think you missed the point...had nothing to do with delegates or votes, IMO. And the victim/anti-victim insinuations get really, really old.
Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)Our lot in life is to keep silent in the face of abuse. I know because I read it on DU.
(4,762 posts)Anyone who does that is no progressive.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)one_voice
(20,043 posts)but for the record I call inanimate objects the 'b' word all the time.
I use the 'b' word in real life but I don't use it here because I respect the community standards & other people's feelings. It's just not something I would do.
If I wanted to see Hillary called that I'd jump on over to freepervill or the cave. I would hope that we didn't do that here.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)cosmicone
(11,014 posts)Capt. Obvious
(9,002 posts)cosmicone
(11,014 posts)all transparency pages will probably be wiped clean.
(9,497 posts)Because this one is set to blaze.
(10,129 posts)
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)"finally, we can talk about the IMPORTANT ISSUES!"
(47,446 posts)So if the standards here are that low then calling a politician a bitch is just about par for the course and would seem to be acceptable. There really are no community standards, they are no longer enforced.
(9,522 posts)There is a lot of disagreeable stuff on this board now. I remember seeing a post where Bernie was called an asshole and it was allowed to stand. That doesn't mean it's okay to call Hillary a bitch. Being a woman, though, it is a word I use about other women.
(14,177 posts)And context matters. I get to say bad words about people who do bad stuff like bomb countries for business opportunities. I don't do that on message boards though cuz words online are forever. Plus no one really cares how horrible an act is only the identity of the person who did it.
(898 posts)cuts you off in traffic. No excuse for such foul language (it's OK, however, to give the chauffeur the finger). Emily Post, bless her warm soul, wrote several books concerning these matters.
(23,156 posts)Never.
I am a strong Bernie supporter, I personally think Hillary as President would be terrible, but she NEVER deserves to be called anything like that.
If you don't like something she says or does, name calling accomplishes nothing. State what you don't like and why, and leave it there.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Sarah Palin, Carly Fiorina, doesn't matter--never okay to go there.
(23,156 posts)There are some places decent people just don't go.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)the bigotry.
(51,308 posts)Sadly.
(40,474 posts)PufPuf23
(9,323 posts)(nor familiar, she is always Hillary Clinton or her title Clinton such as Senator Clinton).
Bitch is not a term I would use nor care to hear regards a woman.
(26,329 posts)Some months ago, maybe longer, I had a post alerted on and hidden by jury decision when I used that word to describe Ann Coulter, preceded by the adjective "cold-hearted." At that time, unbeknownst to me, use of that word was strictly forbidden. I was quite surprised.
BTW, I stand by my original opinion of Ms. Coulter.
Response to geek tragedy (Original post)
Post removed
Response to Post removed (Reply #53)
DemocratSinceBirth This message was self-deleted by its author.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)obamanut2012
(28,320 posts)
(30,355 posts)Calling women the "B" word is not appropriate on a progressive site. Then again, a lack of class and just plain good manners seems to prevail on DU.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Beacool
(30,355 posts)
(28,320 posts)Hoyt
(54,770 posts)of white wingism.
(3,014 posts)She is, however, an asshole.
(454 posts)Blue_In_AK
(46,436 posts)but I wouldn't go that far.
(837 posts)Liar, warmonger & corporate shill come to mind.
(319 posts)To be honest I call her way worse things in the privacy of my own home, in the company of my husband. But I wouldn't call her a bitch online or in person around anyone else, even people who I'm fairly sure feel the same way as I do. Terms like "bitch" don't really do much to express the reasons you dislike someone - these kind of terms are too generic, too off the cuff. I'd rather talk about the things she does/did and says/said that I disagree with.
(22,165 posts).... a sexist, racists, homophobic, antisemitic, xenophobic (etc) slur?
Hmmmm ... I am going to go with ABSOLUTELY NOT.
(37,428 posts)Even if we believe in degrading sexist insults as a fun pastime, surely we are smart enough not to want to look like we've been jerking it to Limbaugh for twenty years.
(38,086 posts)Armstead
(47,803 posts)Pharlo
(1,843 posts)I think the question posed here is addressed in the following paragraph:
I understand that many of you are not ready to think about the general election yet, and that's fine. But to those of you who are starting to think about the need to get past the division and start to think about healing, I think it is important that we begin to tone down the most divisive and over-the-top rhetoric about our primary candidates and their supporters. And in case it's not clear, that goes for both candidates.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Pharlo
(1,843 posts)Had it not been for their request, I would vote to let it go as well.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)least certain demographics within this community
(3,581 posts)I can't think of who would be worthy of that label, but there are bitches and bastards in the world. Dick Cheney is a bastard, but Bush is not. Go figure. I guess I don't think he's smart enough to be a bastard. Ann Coulter could be a bitch, but I'm not feeling it right now. I have to be angry and I'm not feeling angry right now, but that will change in short order. I've only been on DU for about 10 minutes and this is only the second post I've read.
(50,414 posts)a hoofed mammal of the horse family with a braying call, typically smaller than a horse and with longer ears.
synonyms: donkey, jackass, jenny; burro
(28,320 posts)Including women like Palin. It's a gendered slur. They are never okay.
Is it okay to call Ben Carson the nword? Or Obama?
(30,564 posts)bastard or son of a bitch. Why would anyone think that is acceptable? And they say there is no war on women.
Lazy Daisy
(928 posts)Argued at length how this word is wrong and should not be used by men.
Women have had this word used against them in a derogatory way for longer than any of us can remember.
The word bitch has so many different meanings depending on what is said with it and I'll not go into them all.
The only way that word can be used here, in my opinion, is if you are a female Hillary supporter and use it to mean she is your friend, compadre, like "That's my girl"
I think even female Bernie supporters shouldn't use this word because they wouldn't be using it in a non-hateful context.
We women should really stick together on this one.
(22,340 posts)geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)this is a debate about community standards. there is a small but statistically significant group of dissenters here on this issue.
the vast majority of Sanders supporters reject the usage of that word here.
(22,340 posts)You can go sell that somewhere else.
I think most people on DU reject the usage of that word. That you need to make this what it is tells us all we need to know about motivation.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)for Sanders supporters here--the vast majority of them have gone on the record opposing sexist attacks against Clinton despite the very hard feelings in this primary.
(22,340 posts)is horrible. We've been trying to make it clear for a while that the sexism many Clinton supporters wanted to foist on Sanders supporters was just ridiculous. Glad something happened to make you come on board with that.
Rob H.
(5,620 posts)Somehow I can't believe that anyone with more than 10 hidden posts on their transparency page gives even a fraction of a shit about "community standards."
(22,340 posts)Amnesty was such a good idea. 11 hides. Boggles the mind.
(6,650 posts)Bodych
(133 posts)As in "wh***".
It just makes me wince when I see it, and I immediately stop reading whoever posted it.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Bodych
(133 posts)Karma13612
(4,733 posts)But don't seem to feel badly about the b word. Wonder if it has anything to do with environment, how it was used or not used around us while growing up, etc.
I respect the site's rules and keep it clean.
(Female, educated, 62, white, brought up properly, grew up in the country, but also lived in NYC for long enuf to have to toughen and get thickened skin)
(6,650 posts)Or, for this site recently...completely fucking believable.
(1,235 posts)Bernie supporter.
(71,265 posts)LexVegas
(6,650 posts)JustABozoOnThisBus
(24,006 posts)... to call anyone a bitch. From Hillary Clinton to Ann Coulter.
marble falls
(63,641 posts)demmiblue
(38,086 posts)
The best is when Coulter actually bends her legs over her head and bites her own clit: "I am now liberated to announce that all I care about is hunting down and punishing every Republican who voted for McCain in the primaries." It's always great when a stripper stands on stage, tells the guys staring at her tits that they're not tipping enough to see her cooter, and then the guys still don't toss any more bills at her. It's democracy at its finest.
Yet people here comment on and rec Rude Pundit threads all the time.

(38,086 posts)
(7,886 posts)That a supporter of a Democratic canadite is "wearing an I'm with stupid tee-shirt"?
(29,031 posts)SMH.
(29,031 posts)I'm ashamed that this even stands as an unblocked OP.
Sometimes people aren't what they seem.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)questioning whether that's within community standards get hidden?
As you can see from the voting, there's a small but durable percentage of people here who are willing to state for the record that it's okay to call her that here
(57,596 posts)Hell, on this message board I can't even apply the word to men...
(38,086 posts)
(57,596 posts)demmiblue
(38,086 posts)but sometimes.
I wonder what other gender slurs you find acceptable to personally use... sometimes.
(57,596 posts)I've got a 40,000-post history on this forum. The search function is located on the upper right-hand corner of your screen -- Go crazy....
Response to geek tragedy (Original post)
Karma13612 This message was self-deleted by its author.
Bill USA
(6,436 posts)But I would suspect anybody using that word, in reference to Hillary Clinton, are Republicans "for" Bernie. They are here to indulge themselves in Trump like adolescent behavior and to help get their preferred candidate into the cross-hairs.
(38,086 posts)
Bill USA
(6,436 posts)Tarc
(10,587 posts)16 of them, as of this moment,
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)It's only going to get worse when she wins, btw. The real resentment will crawl out from behind the masks. #beentheredonethat
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)doubled down too, juries stamped their approval
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)You know how when President Obama was elected, all kinds of racist mess crawled out from the collective American id? When Hillary succeeds, the parallel effect is going to explode--and this country *really* hates women. It just lurks under a polite veneer on the left...usually.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)will be pretty nasty to behold
(28,320 posts)I totally agree with Starry on this, from personal experience.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Rosa Luxemburg
(28,627 posts)MerryBlooms
(11,916 posts)There are a lot of posts that should be hidden, but aren't. But let's face it, as long as some of these folks don't get 2 hides within a 24hr period (even then they're only flagged for a day or two), there is zero punishment for these shitty posts. The admins have given folks like you're pointing out, a free-pass, and we're stuck with it.
runaway hero
(835 posts)most people don't think that this is okay, why do we need a poll to tell us this?