2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumQuestioning Bernie is a Democrat is a Third Way Talking Point
Georgette Bennett - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Lewis Cullman - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
William M. Daley - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Robert Dyson - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Derek Kaufman - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Thurgood Marshall, Jr. - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Herbert Miller - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Michael Novogratz - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Kirk Radke - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Ted Trimpa - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Joseph Zimlich - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
See a pattern here, kos? Do you really believe Hillary Clinton will be "explicitly rejecting the Third Way agenda?"
Third Way has become the Clinton's Swift-Boat Campaign against Bernie Sanders
Third Way is reaching the point of desperation in its quest to cut Social Security and protect its Wall Street, K Street lobbyist, and GOP donors from paying their fair share. As Third Way has become more and more marginalized, its public outpourings have become more and more extreme and, quite frankly, head-scratching.
Startled by Bernie's success, Bill Daley is leading a Third Way revolt of centrist Democrats against the populist.
They have also attacked Sen. Elizabeth Warren for her progressive views on her "Radical Agenda" of preserving Social Security
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said Thursday that think tank Third Way is "flatly wrong" about the solvency of Social Security.
"We could make modest adjustments and make the system financially stable for a century, and we could make somewhat larger adjustments and make the system pay more for seniors who rely on it," she told the Huffington Post. "The conversation for too long has been about whether to cut Social Security benefits a little bit or a lot. And that is flatly the wrong debate to have in mind."
Third Way is determined to Privatize Social Security
Now many here at DU may wish to ignore this, because Hillary's original position on changes to Social Security played nicely into Third Way's ultimate goal of privatizing Social Security. However over the course of the Primary Hillary has modified her positions on Social Security considerably.
My concern would be that Hillary remain committed to preserving Social Security.
Given the projected deficits to the Social Security plan all Hillary would have to do is "Not Fund" the Social Security program and the 20% cuts would be automatic.
Anyone here want to discuss Hillary's plan to fund Social Security ... (crickets chirping) ...
She doesn't have one - or at least she is not willing to discuss it
Third Way, lobbyists for and from Wall Street who are leading the effort to enrich Wall Street by privatizing Social Security, was created by Wall Street to fool some of the people all of the time. I have written previously to expose their fictional claims to be a moderate or liberal Democratic group.
You can read Third Way's position on Social Security - Don't be too alarmed if you hear a lot of "Paul Ryan" in them.
And we as Americans should also be concerned about the Third Way's Globalist views given Neocon's propensity to engage in Wars of Opportunity. Hillary's "Hawkish Tendencies" as proven by the email releases of the State Dept and Wiki-leaks we are looking at a Third Way Wet Dream
capital, especially currency speculation, as well as increased funding for the International Monetary Fund. Alarmingly, the European Union projectcontinental Europes very own socialist Trojan Horseis described as a pioneering phenomenon. In predictable communitarian fashion, the problem of how to live in a finite world consumes a significant portion of the Third Ways intellectual resources. Dangerously, both for the competitive market and for the environment, most of the recommended solutions fit under
the disingenuous heading of sustainable development, i.e., command-and-control-style environmental economics on a global scale.
54 votes, 0 passes | Time left: Time expired | |
Democratic Candidates should reject Third Way endorsements. | |
2 (4%) |
Democratic Candidates should embrace Third Way Policy positions | |
1 (2%) |
Democratic Candidates should expose Third Way as a "Hostle Take-Over" of the Dem party by Wall St. | |
51 (94%) |
0 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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(17,796 posts)CorporatistNation
(2,546 posts)CorporatistNation
(2,546 posts)Ferd Berfel
(3,687 posts)
(17,644 posts)auntpurl
(4,311 posts)Ferd Berfel
(3,687 posts)http://www.democrats.com/node/7789
As Bill Berkowitz writes, the Koch brothers have also been funding the Democratic Leadership Council.
According to SourceWatch, a project of the Center for Media & Democracy, the brothers are "leading contributors to the Koch family foundations, which supports a network of Conservative organizations and think tanks, including Citizens for a Sound Economy, the Manhattan Institute the Heartland Institute, and the Democratic Leadership Council."
(4,311 posts)Viva_La_Revolution
(28,791 posts)They think low info voters will see that and switch to Hillary. Luckily for us, most Bernie supporters are smarter than that
(29,798 posts)FreakinDJ
(17,644 posts)I would say they have already benefited immensely
(29,798 posts)If they have total control of the $2.7 trillion, what happens?
(53,475 posts)FreakinDJ
(17,644 posts)Even when faced with FACTs Privatization of social Security causes Financial Markets to FAIL they keep pushing the agenda
WHY - Because Wall St LOVES them some Vulture Capitalism
During the 1990s, burdened with a heavy debt, Argentina implemented a series of far-reaching free market reforms similar to the austerity policies implemented in Greece today. These included privatisation of all state enterprises, utilities and the pay-as-you-go social security system. Trade, finance and the labour market were all radically deregulated. Finally, Argentina implemented a currency board which pegged its currency to the dollar on a fixed, one-to-one, exchange rate. In doing so, Argentina de facto renounced the possibility of carrying out independent monetary policy, which is critical to any countrys ability to manage its economic health. The currency board was a less drastic measure than the Euro monetary union, but almost as damaging.
Far from putting Argentina on the path of debt sustainability, economic reforms made matters worse, with the privatisation of social security particularly harmful to fiscal accounts. As Argentinas rapidly growing debt became unsustainable, it turned to the IMF for bailouts. The IMFs conditions, like the Troikas today, turned Argentinas recession into a depression, making the debt even more unsustainable. IMF prescriptions were also deeply interventionist, including the requirement that Argentinas bankruptcy code be changed to facilitate foreign buy-outs of bankrupt domestic businesses and repealing a law against white-collar crime.
And here is Bloomberg still Pimping Privatizing Social Security
Since 1989, Argentina has rapidly introduced revolutionary reforms that have greatly reduced government regulations and controls. Privatization of its social security system is the most important step of the past couple of years. Argentina's experience demonstrates that, even under very difficult economic circumstances, a nation can successfully convert from a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) social security system to a competitive private pension plan with individual retirement accounts.
Truth of the matter is Argentina was a budding Capitalist Society where the Working Class saw 75% reductions in the amount their Social Security system paid out
There is a LONG list of countries that have tried this and failed miserably - do you wish me to go on here
(14,459 posts)The current policies and positions they are catapulting as "sensible" and "reality based" would not look out of place in the Bush Administration. While I would prefer they just pick up and move to what's left of the Grand Ol' perverts, they'll probably wind up trying to merge us with them instead(3/4 accomplished).
At that point, we'll have to create a new progressive party.
Thirties Child
(543 posts)The Democratic party is no longer what it once was. So sad to see what it's become.
Edited to correct spelling error.
(36,649 posts)Designed to dampen support for Democrats. It's just another way of say "there's no difference between The Democrats and Republicans".
(4,311 posts)FreakinDJ
(17,644 posts)she could simply return the money if she didn't want their support
(4,311 posts)Politics makes strange bedfellows.
(17,644 posts)DanTex
(20,709 posts)FreakinDJ
(17,644 posts)FreakinDJ
(17,644 posts)DanTex
(20,709 posts)FreakinDJ
(17,644 posts)sequestration cuts to social security will automatically kick in a 20% reduction in benefits
(45,319 posts)members and leadership.
Here is a link to their website with the board members named in the OP:
You should contact Third Way and tell them to stop calling themselves Third Way. Here is their contact page:
(16,902 posts)DLC became too toxic and third-way is rapidly following in its footsteps.
(9,610 posts)
(9,299 posts)It is not another way of saying "there's no difference between The Democrats and Republicans".
The pol that Hillary Clinton most reminds me of in policy and manner is Richard Nixon.
There has been a battle for a generation within the Democratic Party between the neo-liberals and the liberals.
The neo-liberals have taken control of the Democratic Party by infiltration and corporate money.
It would take a generation for the Democratic Party to rid its leadership of neo-liberalism.
I have been a good member of the Democratic Party for 44 years.
The current leadership of the Democratic Party does not represent many of us.
(9,610 posts)Well I guess I am correct in my thinking.
Bernie or Bust!
Jackie Wilson Said
(4,176 posts)Real smart way to get what you want, allow fascists to stop people who think like you from voting.
(9,610 posts)That is why my vote went towards and will go towards a candidate that will protect those things, as well as other ideals I hold.
Jackie Wilson Said
(4,176 posts)PowerToThePeople
(9,610 posts)voting the lesser of two evils.
Never again.
Jackie Wilson Said
(4,176 posts)proper healthcare etc.
Got it.
(29,798 posts)You use that claim as a cloak for bashing him. Typical 5thC.
Jackie Wilson Said
(4,176 posts)and sad.
(2,353 posts)kristopher
(29,798 posts)In 1984, Limbaugh returned to radio as a talk show host at KFBK in Sacramento, where he replaced Morton Downey, Jr.[6] The repeal of the Fairness Doctrinewhich had required that stations provide free air time for responses to any controversial opinions that were broadcastby the FCC in 1987 meant stations could broadcast editorial commentary without having to present opposing views. Daniel Henninger wrote, in a Wall Street Journal editorial, "Ronald Reagan tore down this wall (the Fairness Doctrine) in 1987 ... and Rush Limbaugh was the first man to proclaim himself liberated from the East Germany of liberal media domination."[18]
On August 1, 1988, after achieving success in Sacramento and drawing the attention of former ABC Radio President Edward McLaughlin, Limbaugh moved to New York City and began his national radio show. He debuted just weeks after the Democratic National Convention, and just weeks before the Republican National Convention. Limbaugh's radio home in New York City was the talk-formatted WABC, and this remains his flagship station (although Limbaugh now hosts his program from West Palm Beach).
(12,689 posts)Democrats took at huge hit from supporting Civil Rights and Republicans picked up a huge number of votes by using the Southern Strategy.
(9,299 posts)KingFlorez
(12,689 posts)I think it is fair to question his intent when he suddenly joins a party that he blasted for years. He joined for the media attention and the resource, and he admitted that as far as the media attention goes.
(29,798 posts)He's caucused with Democrats since he came to Congress.
(12,689 posts)Everyone knows that you have to caucus with a party to receive committee assignments, otherwise you are useless in Congress. He just took the opportunism to a new step.
(29,798 posts)... means he's an opportunist instead of admitting he's done the job in a manner the party approved of?
You are crazy. ETA: Seriously. This is exactly the kind of insane logic that Limbots are always spouting. WTF???
(12,689 posts)You cannot receive committee assignments without caucusing with a party. He never listed his actual party affiliation as Democratic, it's always been Independent. He only started calling himself a Democrat when entered the Democratic primary. Call all the names you want, but it's the truth.
(29,798 posts)Seriously, I thought the type of irrational thinking you're displaying was limited to the Limbots; please stop.
(12,689 posts)Sure he received a chairmanship, but he had to caucus with a party in order to receive any committee assignments at all.
(29,798 posts)Now, because he is challenging herself, he is a good man being vilified by partisan hacks.