TODAY, BERNIE SANDERS BOOMS IN HIS MONOTONE SHOUT, we begin a political revolution to transform our countryeconomically, politically, socially and environmentally. He marks each beat with his right hand, as if conducting with an invisible baton. Behind him, a lone seagull flaps its wings as it flies across Lake Champlain. The crowd of 5,000 that has come to Burlington, Vt., on a sunny afternoon in May to witness Sanders official campaign announcement breaks into a cheer.
At the time, it was easy to dismiss talk of revolution as the rallying cry of a 74-year-old democratic socialist who clings too dearly to memories of the 1960s. Eleven months and more than six million votes later, Sanders call for revolution is harder to ignore.
But what, exactly, would this political revolution look like? Its not hard to imagine Sanders marching in the streets with the masseshes walked plenty of picket lines, most recently alongside Verizon workers in New York City last Octoberbut thats not the revolution hes calling for. For Sanders, political revolution means shifting control of American politics away from corporate interests, convincing non-voters to go to the polls and attracting white working-class voters back to the Democratic Party, all while moving the party left enough to embrace democratic socialist policies.
A political revolution of that kind is going to require two things: a wave of candidates committed to a bold set of progressive ideas and a mass of voters with the political will to elect them. Theres evidence both of these are already here.
Note: This is a repost of
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