2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumdonald trump's amazing tax returns!
August 24, 2016
To Whom it may Concern:
I am an tax attorny and have graduated number one (1) in my class from a prestigeous institution.
Since 1996, I have had hte distinct honor and privilige of preparing Mr. Trump's tax returns.
They are amazing, truly amazing. He has the best tax returns. The best.
I have shown the tax returns to collegues and they are always amazed. Always.
I can assure you that Mr. Trump's income is among the highest in the world. Probably is the highest in the world.
Well, it would be the highest in the world if liberals like Bill Gates and rapists like Carlos Slim didn't cheat.
And lie.
Mr. Trump is also the most generus man I have ever met. He has made more charitible contributions than anyone in all of history.
His charity cannot be matched!
Despite all the deduction he can take, Mr. Trump actually insists on overpaying his taxes! Why?
Because Mr. Trump knows that the country would collapse if the government ran out of money. And Mr. Trump has money!
Lots of money! He's rich! Really, really rich!
He knows that he is the only person -- the ONLY person! -- who can save us, so he overpays his taxes to keep America running.
I can also assure you that Mr. Trump taxes show no ties or obligations to anyone. He is his own man!
He is absolutely NOT paying 138.47% annual interest rate to Russian mobsters since 2004.
He is also unconditionally NOT paying the firm of Dewey, Burnham, & Howe to provide insurince so that none of his incredible buildings burn down.
Finally, Mr. Trump has been audited many times because liberals in the IRS are out to get him because he tells the truth!
But Mr. Trump has not yet been formally convicted of any wrongdoing!
I can't say anything about pending indictments because Mr. Trump has an entire separate legal team to handle all his indictments.
In conclusion, Mr. Trump's tax returns are incredible! Very presidential!
Donald J. Trump's Tax Man

(30,058 posts)MattP
(3,304 posts)drm604
(16,230 posts)he will have the best tax return of anyone ever elected president!
(54,730 posts)narnian60
(3,510 posts)skylucy
(3,907 posts)from the Trumpsters "doctor".
(54,730 posts)SaschaHM
(2,897 posts)unblock
(54,730 posts)
(22,507 posts)I want to post it on a smaller site I debate with Cons at.
(54,730 posts)
besides, my shift key has been broken for decades now

(40,915 posts)ProfessorPlum
(11,436 posts)annabanana
(52,795 posts)lame54
(37,592 posts)keithbvadu2
(40,915 posts)unblock
(54,730 posts)trump's graduates are all the best! the very best!
(40,915 posts)At the place I volunteer, the supervisor gave out Christmas cards and every one was labeled: to my #1 volunteer.
(151 posts)Stop it
(9,831 posts)
(3,944 posts)(for all the Welcome Back Kotter fans out there)
i wanna know who looked at vinnie and said "that guy! yes! that guy can really act! that guy has mega-star written all over him!"
(63,496 posts)"Bob's dad"
Principal didn't buy it
(2,657 posts)unblock
(54,730 posts)NewJeffCT
(56,844 posts)Or maybe, if that quote about Trump wanting short guys in yarmulkes counting his money is true, maybe it's John Trumpstein?
(34,845 posts)She writes books! She writes speeches! She does taxes! The amazing, never-seen woman behind the closed curtain that is Donald Trump's brain: MEREDITH MCIVER!!!!
[hr][font color="blue"][center]The truth doesnt always set you free.
Sometimes it builds a bigger cage around the one youre already in.[/center][/font][hr]
(take your pick, they're interchangeable.)
Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)I should hire this tax man
(323 posts)Stonepounder
(4,033 posts)I did a spit take all over it!
(19,529 posts)This I can tell you.
Best post in days. Mahalo.
(1,770 posts)It does have all the spelling errors in all the right places.
(24,026 posts)And you forgot to say "believe me".
(22 posts)This article is pure Bull-Sh--
(54,730 posts)rurallib
(63,496 posts)No better bullshit from the ancient plains of Greece to the US west of today!
For the best in bullshit lumps, buy Trump's.
Buy a bag of Trump bullshit and Donald will pretend to donate to rebuild Tony Perkins house and declare it on his fabulous taxes!
(15,167 posts)
(82,383 posts)

(38,522 posts)Apparently, tRump made some remark comparing Hillary to Lovitz's character ... but give it a listen and see who YOU think it reminds you of.
(54,730 posts)TxDemChem
(1,918 posts)Don't click on the link while drinking tea...I nearly choked laughing myself silly
(54,730 posts)
(1,918 posts)You made my day. Keep it up!
(7,908 posts)Response to unblock (Original post)
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