2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumWe need a sane moderate conservative party. Seriously.
One that accepts science and objective reality and offers market based and conservative solutions to real problems. Say like Merkel's party in Germany or Sarcozy's in France. Those countries have far right parties as well. We have a non parlaimentary system which lends itself to two major parties. The GOP can either morph into reality based conservative party or a white nationalist one. I hope for the former but fear the latter. I wouldn't vote for either type of conservative but as it stands half our political parties (1 of 2) are insane.
Earned Income Tax Credit is the last real idea to fix a real problem I can remember the GOPers coming up with. What was that, like 40 years ago? Shit, Nixon was a left winger compaired to today's GOP. Shit even Reagan was a lefty compared to this bunch, or at least sane.
Xipe Totec
(44,137 posts)zipplewrath
(16,692 posts)I've said for some time we need the old Rockefeller republicans to go back the GOP so we can have a lucid debate in this country instead of a party of ideas, and a party of nut-jobs.
Xipe Totec
(44,137 posts)Nothing wrong with it, but this is the centrist party; this is the Democratic Party you're describing.
We have lurched so far to the right, that the Democratic party has now occupied the place previously held by Rockefeller Republicans.
I'm not saying they're not the sane choice at this time. What I am saying is that there's a lot of space to the left of the current political spectrum.
(3,660 posts)Xipe Totec
(44,137 posts)whatthehey
(3,660 posts)Xipe Totec
(44,137 posts)whatthehey
(3,660 posts)Jim Lane
(11,175 posts)According to this poll from last year, 55% of the electorate supports single-payer health care (Medicare for all). It's not a fringe position, it's a centrist position. Support for a public option is even higher.
A fair summary would be: A center-left party would support single payer. A sane center-right party would support retaining private, for-profit insurance companies as a major component of the system, but ameliorating the worst aspects of the free market with government intervention (Medicaid, insurance subsidies under the ACA, etc.) A right-wing nutjob party would want the government to withdraw completely so that it could cut taxes on the rich.
By that rubric, the Democratic Party is currently a center-right party and the Republicans are RWNJs.
If the Democrats moved to the left, they could hope to mobilize some of the people who would respond to that stance (some now not voting, some voting on the Gods-gays-and-guns issues because they don't perceive the Democratic Party as really fighting for the 99%). The party would thereby lose some of its more conservative members, who would become Republicans and work to restore the GOP to some semblance of sanity.
A similar case could be made on other issues, such as progressive taxation and the climate change crisis.
(16,692 posts)That's sorta my point. The democratic party is loaded at this point with everything from Abbey Hoffman to Ike. So we either argue with ourselves, or there is no debate at all. In order to have a political debate in this country we need the return to the days of the "loyal opposition" with sane folks willing to have a debate.
arely staircase
(12,482 posts)Demsrule86
(71,036 posts)arely staircase
(12,482 posts)Hell Dick Nixon created the EPA.
(65,229 posts)that today.
arely staircase
(12,482 posts)jberryhill
(62,444 posts)Nowadays, as most loudly used, the word is synonymous with "crackpot".
arely staircase
(12,482 posts)now they have done the same for 'conservative'. and now liberal and progessive are respectable.
(12,408 posts)...it might be more difficult for Dems to win.
arely staircase
(12,482 posts)but I would rather be threatened by an occassional GHWB or Bob Dole than live with the possibility of ever having a Trump.
(48,644 posts)inwiththenew
(990 posts)Maybe if a strong 3rd party from the left split the vote but that is doubtful. They're done at the National level. Demographics have cemented this.
They still strong at the state level though so they aren't gone totally.
arely staircase
(12,482 posts)And I don't just mean the Trump/Breitbart faction.
(29,074 posts)arely staircase
(12,482 posts)Paladin
(29,074 posts)Looking forward to the post-election autopsies of the republican party...what remains of it.
(23,862 posts)arely staircase
(12,482 posts)to meet the approval of even the least rw of GOP primary voters. Particularly social issues.
(65,616 posts)They could take in all the moderate republicans that feel lost. The GOP is DONE, just splinter groups of people that hate each other.
arely staircase
(12,482 posts)yawnmaster
(2,812 posts)but can argue rationally, and there are plenty, believe it or not, may very well move to the Democratic party.
This will have the effect of pulling the party closer to the center, on average.
The party, I believe, is actually gaining diversity and has a wider range of voters, because many are coming from the near right.
(14,853 posts)arely staircase
(12,482 posts)It is simply that progressives can, if not find common grouns, at least debate the issues based on objective reality, which the current GOP rejects.