2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumDave Letterman has been doing something very good and informative all week...
He has a new segment called "Stooge of the Night" where he's shown pics of senators (Inhofe, Flake, Cruz, and McConnell so far, one each night, Mon.-Thurs.) and left their pics up while he explained that each one voted against the stronger background checks bill for gun sales and went on to explain each one's "reason" for voting against it.
For example, after he called Jeff Flake the "Stooge of the Night" and put up his pic w/ his name, party, and state, he went on to explain that Flake voted against the bill after writing a letter back to a victim's mother telling her he agrees with her that they have to strengthen background checks. For Mitch McConnell, he told us how much money he has taken from the gun lobbies. And he says, "Let's keep his picture up there a little longer," and the announcer repeats the name and again calls him the "Stooge of the Night."

(20,036 posts)i miss it.
Left Coast2020
(2,397 posts)
(24,740 posts)I loved seeing Keith take it to the reich like no one else would.
I would give anything to hear a Special Comment right now!
(24,740 posts)
(9,314 posts)
See you around, pacalo. Always a pleasure bumping into you.
(45,358 posts)CincyDem
(7,015 posts)Instead of being seen by a bunch of policy wonk addicted liberals (yeah, I'm talking about us ), this gets to a much more mainstream audience. Someday, without know why, some guy who doesn't really pay attention to politics hears Mitch's name and thinks "what an asshole". He may not remember why but he's got the right conclusion. Eventually, enough folks who don't really pay attention shift. They may not know why but that's what tipping points are all about.
I hope Dave keeps this up until the day he retires because there sure is enough stupid to fill the segment until then.
(5,128 posts)Imagine if Dave took a night each week for the rest of his career flipping off the Stooges for being so venal.
Imagine if he didn't care if he went out like that. Twenty million viewers getting reminded they are living in a sham democracy. He won't really spend his last years with the bookmobile lady, the guy under the stairs, and dropping things off a five-story building, will he?
Imagine the networks taking him out after he put 1,000 more of these shows on before they pull the plug.
He could get over his self-hatred, retire a hero, and cripple this beast.
Baitball Blogger
(49,477 posts)Worst Person of the week?
(37,326 posts)A little, but he's doing this every night so far. And it's a good thing, don't ya think?
Baitball Blogger
(49,477 posts)I just hope he doesn't suffer the same fate.
(37,326 posts)and I seriously doubt he will suffer the same fate.
(31,849 posts)even more evidence of the libeeerrrilll mediaaa!
(12,287 posts)MrMickeysMom
(20,453 posts)Now that Keith's burned out from it.
(37,326 posts)MrMickeysMom
(20,453 posts)Maybe Dave has made enough money and feels, "fuck it... who's gonna do anything about Congress?"
(37,326 posts)he called Trump a "racist" back when Trump kept questioning Obama's BC, school records, etc. He always against Romney, "joking" about how he put his dog on the roof of his car, etc.
(21,252 posts)This vote has really opened the window on a lot of Stooges!
mountain grammy
(27,576 posts)He's had it with Republicans. We can't get it on the "news" so good for Dave.
(308,408 posts)Getting FACTS to a very Large Audience!
thank you Dave Letterman! you, too, jenmito
Good to "see" you!
(308,408 posts)
(32,561 posts)This was from monday 4/22. transcript:
Alan: Well, Dave, its time for Stooge of the Night! Tonights Stooge is Senator James Inhofe, Republican from Oklahoma! Senator James Inhofe voted against an increase in background checks before the purchase of a gun. We take a long look at Senator James Inhofe. I wonder if well have 39 more of these.
(82,383 posts)Every once in a while, one of these comedians takes a liberal position on the issues!
66 dmhlt
(1,941 posts)jenmito
(37,326 posts)noel711
(2,185 posts)Keith was an acquired taste with a limited audience,
and he was mostly preaching to the choir.
Dave has a wider base: because Dave is a 'comedian' most folks, even conservative,
will give him a listen, even if they disagree.
So he has the possibility of converting those who might turn Keith off.
Dave, in his own self-effacing, Midwestern sensibility,
could be the court jester, so to speak.
Which is what comedians must do.
comedians walk the line between propriety, and outrage.
George Carlin was the master of that;
Altho I agree with most of Bill Maher's political points,
personally I hear he's somewhat of an ass.
Can't wait to see the Correspondant's Dinner tonight;
I don't care for Conan, too much of a frat boy... but still want to see and hear his monolog.
Anybody that's an executive producer of Chris Elliot's "Eagleheart"* can't be all bad.
Chris plays Detective Chris Monsanto
-90% Jimmy
*It's sporadically on Cartoon Networks Adult Swim after midnight Thursdays
Edit - I love Keith on many levels. His appreciation of humor and keen insight into current events is awe inspiring. I wish he could find an outlet that would enthusiastically sustain his type of program.
(8,515 posts)I can dream, damn it! God, I miss him, too. I love Ed Schultz too. Nighttime TV is just not the same without them.
(37,326 posts)with EVERYTHING you just said!
(8,219 posts)Diclotican
(5,095 posts)jenmito
Cool, then I have to look at my local channel - where Letherman is aired - as it is often aired a week after it is aired in the US... He is cool - and hold no back for his contempt for the republicans...
I just hope he doesn't end up the same way as others, who have spoken to loud and getting to much attentions from the "other side".. Either fired for not "keeping the line" or in some rare cases - dead....
(37,326 posts)What country are you in?
(5,095 posts)jenmito
I think it is about "rights to be aired".. And I'm living in Norway - a small european country, Denmark and Sweden is far more known than Norway - but is nabours to ours.
(37,326 posts)I've heard of Norway. I'm sure everyone on DU has heard of Norway. Welcome (even though I see you've been on DU since '05)!
(5,095 posts)jenmito
You might have heard of Norway - I have doing my best to tell what this curious little country in the north where ca 5 million people live and have, for the most part av good life - even if the winter is long and cold - and the summers far to short, but for the most part comfortable . And it is also where some of the Vikings come from.. Even though some properly believe Vikings still exist - as an old lady asked me - if we had the "same problems with the vikings as they had with their blacks".. Little confused I said - No - for the most part our vikings is behaving as the rest of the country - and then Shell shocked her, with telling - I have some viking bloods myself.. The old lady was almost running over herself in trying to leave
Oh evil fun
Yeah I know bad - but I was 15 at the time..
I have been here active since 05 - even thought by another forum - I discovered DU and was lurking here at least from 03 to 05, when I deiced it was time to be more proactive - and then got stuck here - as i get at least as good news about the US here, as I am able to get anywhere else..
(162,403 posts)
(6,335 posts)
(229,749 posts)Seems he held Cruz up the longest and couldn't resist putting his pic up again later in the show for good measure. Great pick!
(541 posts)Agreed that we really need him. There's got to be a place for him somewhere, and not just being a sports commentator. If Glen B. can somehow get his own network, I wish KO could.
toby jo
(1,269 posts)It's more like - 'you stupid fucks'. He puts it right out there. Love it. The audience always does, too.